Gaming ❤

732 11 29

(Minecraft Special)


-LARS POV-        

3:00 PM                                                      

                I went to Kirk's door and knocked. I started getting nervous and waited for 2 minutes for him to open the door, and hoping he was alright. After that, he opened the door and I saw his precious smile, and started to blush a bit. I have a big crush on him, like I could just express my feelings right now, but I wasn't sure if he would be comfortable. "Hey Kirk-" then I saw something unusual. Kirk had some cool headphones that had awesome details and a microphone attached around his neck. "What the fuck is that headphone you got there? Did you got it from the future or something?" Kirk looked at me and laughed. "Haha, I'm glad you are asking about it, I need to tell you everything". Kirk grabbed my hand and ran to his room, he really went fast I almost couldn't catch up. 

We approached to Kirk's room and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. More headphones, two computers that had amazing graphics, keyboards and mouse that had lights in them. I was confused as fuck, and I was seeing Kirk all excited. "Okay okay Lars! Listen, I traveled to the future with a DeLorean, I think the year was 2020" In that moment, I just thought Kirk was drunk and high, but I continued listening to him anyways. "And then I went to this store~ And it had a lot of strange things that we don't have here right now, and thank God I had a lot of money to buy these things" Kirk froze for a second and looked around and picked up this weird cover. "Look look! Here's this game called Minecraft" He passed it to me and I looked at it, wondering what the hell this was. He continued. "I set up all the things and played Minecraft and it's fucking epic, you should try to play it with me, we can connect and play together!" Kirk started shrieking and I couldn't stop looking at the game. "Okay okay but Kirk calm down a bit I-" I relieved. "Okay, I'm sorry- Anyways, go sit on that chair and I'll get you all set up" I went up to the chair and sat down, I was kind of scared not going to lie. Kirk placed the second headphones on my head, but I took it off for a moment and then I saw the details on the headphones started to glow up with blue light. "What the fuck!? Is this going to kill me?-" I started getting stressed but Kirk calmed me down and chuckled. "Aww Lars, do not worry, it's just lights to make it look more cooler~ It won't kill you! You are really overreacting, calm down" Kirk turned on my computer and it loaded in so quickly. "Uh Kirk, what type of computer is this?". "Windows 10, it was released in 2015 I think" I started losing brain cells. Did he for real travel to the future?

It took Kirk a couple minutes to set up everything and I couldn't stop looking at the keyboard and mouse, the glowing lights were satisfying to look at, it kept changing colors. I was speechless. My computer loaded in the Minecraft game. "Yay! Now we can play together, join my world" I saw that I already had Kirk on my friend's list and invited me to his game. Then I literally lost my words.

"Aaa!!! Hi Lars! I see you, I'm here!" Kirk started overreacting and moved so crazy on the game. At some point I loved seeing Kirk being so excited. It made me smile so much. But I still had a lot of questions to ask him.

This game just literally contained cubes, nothing round, pigs, cows, chickens... They were just cubed, though it was fun to play. Way better then the games we got right now. They would contain only pixels and lag so much as fuck. Minecraft was something special.

 8:00 P.M.

We were playing for some hours and enjoying the time, lots of laughter and joy. I built a house and I had a wolf as a pet too and named it Kirk, so if something would ever happen, I will protect him at all times, because I know he is special to me and I never want to lose him. Kirk came back from hunting and had a lot of things in inventory and gave me around 30 diamonds. "Woah, thank you Kirkie!" "You are very welcome!" I was very excited. 

Few minutes later, Kirk told me to come over at his place. "Lars check this out" I looked at Kirk and he was building something. He built a heart, it looked perfect. Then he placed this sign by the heart and I was shocked what it said. 

"I love you so much Lars" was on the sign. Kirk took of his headphones and went up to me and held my hand. I looked away and covered my face, I was smiling and blushing so much.  He kneeled down in front of me and we couldn't stop looking at each other. Kirk was so God damn hot I wanted to faint. "Lars... I really love y-" I couldn't take it. I immediately kissed him, he wasn't able to finish his sentence but I knew he was going to say he loves me so much anyways. Me and Kirk were relieved. We couldn't stop kissing and then I got off my chair and laid on Kirk. We hugged each other on the floor and I couldn't stop looking at his beautiful eyes. We stood up and sat on the couch. Kirk took a blanket and placed it around us. I laid my head on his shoulder. "Love you so much Kirk" "Love you so much too Lars" We kissed again and took a rest from the game, I can't wait to play Minecraft tomorrow with the love of my life, Kirk Hammett. 


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