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previously. . .

The visit to Mount Myoboku ended shortly after, with Naruto demonstrating a few more things and answering more questions before Fukasaku sent a toad to reverse summon him back to Konoha. Naruto felt considerably lighter with the news of nothing advancing in his time without his help and letting at least someone know about the fighting. He could finally focus solely on sorting things out in his past and saving who he was able to.

Naruto was going to make the best of Madara's counter. He wouldn't let this be all for naught.


Haruno Sakura held up the cat, panting after finally having caught her. A light scratch ran up her upper arm, but she appeared to be better off than the rest of her team. "Got her!"

Naruto sagged beside her, breathing heavily. His hands and face were covered in the remains of Tora's attempts to escape each time he got hold of the cat. Sasuke landed silently in front of them, not a single scratch gracing his exposed skin.

He'd tagged along after Naruto disappeared suddenly. Sakura and the past Naruto had avoided saying anything of it to him (he might've turned on his heel if they pointed out he was actually listening to a version of Naruto) and it was almost forgotten as the chase began.

Kakashi-sensei landed before them, still in the process of pocketing his book. "Nice work, Sakura."

The kunoichi situated the cat firmly in her arms, massaging her underbelly with two of her fingers in an attempt to get her to stay put. "We've got the cat; now what do we do about Naruto?"

The young Naruto frowned after he finished inching away from the cursed cat in Sakura-chan's arms. "What about me?"

"It's been two hours, Sensei." Sakura looked warily around them. "Shouldn't we tell Tsunade-sama? Or at least look for him?"

Sasuke listened, though his gaze was far off. He couldn't care less about the cat or Naruto (whether it be his present or future self); it was the curiosity growing in himself that he was unable to ignore. Naruto could give him answers if he could get him to talk. Everything he was secretly uncertain of could be swept away if he knew what awaited him.

Itachi can wait, Sasuke. You belong with your team right now.

The curse mark Orochimaru had given him in the Forest of Death sent a constant feeling of unease in his gut. Sasuke felt out of control--but no less willing to do what had to be done to fulfill his goal.

He would avenge his clan.

Kakashi watched a toad pass by his feet, considering Sakura's words. "I'm confident in Naruto's abilities to handle himself. For all we know, this was something he'd been expecting--just not maybe at that exact moment. Wherever--"


Team 7 turned to their left, where an unharmed and rather calm looking Naruto stood.

"Oh." He looked around to check his location before giving them all a large grin. "I'm back!"


Tsunade rubbed the bridge of her nose. "I don't really care about how you caught the cat, job well done, I guess." She turned her attention to Naruto. "You went to Myoboku?"

He nodded. There was a calmer air about him now that they all somewhat sensed ever since he returned from his trip to the Land of Toads. "I was reverse summoned by the Two Great Toad Sages."

AND BACK AGAIN [ NARUTO ]Where stories live. Discover now