[ 13 ] the zombie-ninjas go back to the academy

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previously (because it's been too long since there was an update):

Hiashi set a hand on his shoulder, turning fully to face him. "I will help you to the best of my ability. I want to see you return to where you belong. . .I also need to know what Haruhi was doing that day. Do your best, Uzumaki Naruto."

Naruto grinned. "Yes, sir!"


"Etto. . .Naruto-kun?"

Naruto turned, head tilted.

Hinata looked down, fumbling with the end of her shirt. It seemed a light blush would always be dusting her cheeks. "I-I have a question, if that's alright. . ."

He grinned. "Of course! Ask away, Hinata-chan."

Hinata stuttered at the honorific, refusing to meet his eyes. "Why. . .Why did you ask Tsunade-sama for me?" She squeezed her eyes shut, forcing the words out. "Why not Neji-niisan?"

Naruto's brows rose at the inquiry, and he faced her fully. Why?

"Gomen!" Hinata suddenly raised her hands to her face, concerned. "I didn't mean to pry! I-it's just. . .his eyes are a lot more developed than mine, and the search might go faster if you were working with him."

"It's alright, Hinata, don't apologize." Naruto scratched his cheek, thinking for a moment. "Truth is. . .I don't think I could bring myself to work with Neji right now. Not yet, at least."

Hinata calmed, her arms relaxing at her sides. "Ano. . .why?"

A shadow fell over his face, and the younger shinobi resisted the urge to flinch. Suddenly, Hinata didn't want to know why. More than anyone, she knew how her fellow Hyuuga could be, but Neji was also an accomplished ninja and far more advanced than she was. The simple mention of his name pulled a scary, ominous reaction from this future Naruto, one that didn't sit well with her.

Naruto shook himself a bit, and his grin returned. "Point is, your byakugan is plenty strong! I know you can help Tsunade-baachan just fine, maybe even better than Neji!"

Hinata watched him with wide eyes, nails biting into the skin on her palms. People didn't tend to say things like that to her, so she had to remind herself that this was Naruto -- maybe not the Naruto she knew, but he would be one day. What he was saying was definitely a Naruto thing to say, and that made it more believable.

Goodness, how was she supposed to face her Naruto now?

"Anyways, we better get--"

A shiver ran up Hinata's spine, and on instinct, her byakugan was activated. A quick glance at Naruto told her she was right to be on edge; he was still, his previous grin fading into something more serious.

"Do you see anything, Hinata?"

She scanned the area around them, looking behind trees and far beyond what the normal naked eye could see. Nothing raised suspicion, no strange chakra signature like the one from the market, and she was already getting to the end of her 360-degree turn.

Then, a flare.

Like a fire being rekindled, a chakra signature flickered in the distance. It was impossible to ignore, and although Hinata couldn't sense it from so far away, she just knew it was cold and unknown.

She turned to tell Naruto, but he was already beginning to lead them away, an orange ring shadowing his eyes.

"The Academy," he muttered.

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