[ 04 ] things go south

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"So. . ."

Naruto looked at his teacher. "So what?"

Kakashi studied him with no more than a side glance. "What was going on? In your time, I mean."

As they walked a lap around the training grounds, Naruto observed everything he could see to compare it to what was the half-rebuilt Konoha of his time. He understood that Kakashi was trying to get him to elaborate on what he'd blurted out earlier--something that had to do with his old comrade.

Uchiha Obito.

And as much as Naruto felt he had the right to know, it wasn't his secret to tell. The idea of changing his past was like a fresh bowl of ramen; drawing him in with just the thought of it. But he knew everything happened for a reason, and to change things might just make it worse. He briefly wondered what had happened when he had left. Was the battle still raging? Was Sasuke still fighting, or had he also been taken to a different time?

Naruto didn't want to think about all of the possibilities, it only made his head hurt. It was obvious now that this situation had been created by the jutsu Madara had performed the second before he would've been hit. For now, he would simply focus on getting back to his own time and setting things straight.

Naruto tried his hardest not to give his teacher a pitying look, and instead kept his gaze straight ahead. A light breeze ruffled his blonde locks, and he took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything before."

Kakashi had his hands in his pockets as they walked. Every now and then, he'd glance at the older version of his student, picking out the differences and similarities to his younger self. It was strange, to walk alongside a Naruto that almost reached his height. Not to mention the constant reminder his brain insisted on repeating, the fact that the young man knew his future better than he did.

He hadn't really expected Naruto to explain things further, and respected the fact that he didn't. The Naruto he knew probably would've spilled the beans within half a second of being asked. But the shinobi couldn't help but be curious.

It was silent for a while before Kakashi spoke again.

"Are things bad?"

Naruto was taken aback by the question. Kakashi-sensei was the kind of guy to deal with whatever came his way and not concern himself with the consequences until they were upon him. And it seemed to work.

But having your student from the future appear out of thin air, claiming he was fighting a war against a dead man just seconds before probably didn't count in that mindset.

So Naruto gave him a cheeky grin. "Nothing I can't handle!"

Kakashi smiled beneath his mask. "Well, I don't know what we're going to do with you until we figure out how to fix everything. It's risky just letting you wander around, especially if an enemy of Konoha sent you here."

Naruto made a fist and punched his palm. "Don't worry! I'll find a way back to the others soon and set things right."

Before the conversation could continue, both shinobi stood a little straighter and turned to see who was approaching. When they saw who it was, Naruto's eyes widened.

Kakashi stepped in front of him, attempting to block him from sight.

Sakura bounded up to her sensei, her new short hair swinging from side to side as she ran. When she was close, she paused for a breath.

"Kakashi-sensei! I looked everywhere for you! I wanted to--" Sakura stopped. "Sensei? Who's that?"

"Ah, Sakura. I was just thinking about you. Is there something you need?"

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