[ 06 ] hokage's office

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Naruto knew he should be focused on the more important things. Like getting back to his time. Or the zombie-guy attack.

Yet his mind was inevitably on anything but those things. He was in the past. Enough said. The younger Naruto was right next to him, as well as the younger Sasuke, Sakura, and even Kakashi. He didn't know how long he'd be stuck here, but Naruto was sure he'd never be able to fully comprehend it.

Currently, he stood in front of the Hokage's desk. Tsunade-baachan was less furious than he thought she'd be, since he'd revealed himself so soon after her specific orders not to. He'd entered the building expecting the worst, as he was starting to realize that was important.

But the Hokage simply sat, chewing a nail as she stared at the four of them in thought. Shizune stood to the side, Tonton lounging comfortably in her folded arms. She kept glancing nervously at Tsunade in anticipation, but it was a while before she actually spoke.




Both Narutos responded to their name, one completely lost, the other slightly afraid of what Tsunade was going to say next.

The younger Naruto sneaked a glance at the older one, no less confused then he was a second ago. "What do you mean, 'uh-oh?'"

"He means," Tsunade cut in, "that he should be getting a mouthful from me right now."

Naruto laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to make such a scene. There was just no time, and I didn't see any one stepping in––"

"I know." Tsunade's gaze softened. "I said you should be getting a mouthful. I've gotten countless reports on your heroics." Her tone was amused.

Naruto tilted his head. "If you know what happened, then do you know. . .well, what happened? Who was that guy? Why would he threaten everyone and then take his own life?"

"One question at a time," Tsunade said. "For now, I think we should fill Team Seven in. They won't stand around much longer."

Naruto looked at the younger version of his team, one by one. Sakura was watching the conversation intently, as if she could grasp clarity just from the few words. Sasuke stood with his arms crossed, leaning against the back wall. His expression was neutral, and Naruto once again failed to read the Uchiha. Kakashi had his hands in his pockets as he stood relaxed, following the conversation easily.

And finally, the younger Naruto. He seemed to be the very embodiment of confusion as he watched the situation play out.

"I guess you're right," Naruto said slowly. "But I'm still figuring it out myself, you know."

Tsunade nodded. "To be expected." She turned to look at the three genin before her. "Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura––you three are smart. Well, mostly. Do you want to know who this young man is?"

She didn't wait for them to answer her. Tsunade glanced at Naruto, signaling him to introduce himself.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto! I guess I'm not technically your Naruto though, since he's standing right there. But I'm the future Naruto, about four years older than you guys." He gave them a thumbs up and grinned widely.

The younger him stared blankly for a few moments. Then his blue eyes cleared and he held up a hand.

"Okay, okay. . .I know I say and do some crazy things, so I should just go along with this, but––"

"What the heck are you talking about?" Sakura finished.

They looked to Tsunade and Kakashi for elaboration. When none was offered, their gaze settled back on Naruto.

AND BACK AGAIN [ NARUTO ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant