Im not dying today nor tomorrow

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Your POV:

"THIS IS TAKING TOO LONG!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs since I'm in my dorm anyways.

'Jeezus christ calm down.'

'You know what?! I'm gonna break the f*cking rules!'

'What rule—'

"Alright! I'll do it, I'll bust that stupid  tanuki's camera room today!"

'Wait what Y/n hold on-'

"Yosh! Let's go!"


Too late, I left my dorm and stomped through the hallways and went to the 5th, 6th? Nah I think its the 5th floor.

Anyways, I walked through the 5th floor and walked to the camera room, and stopped right in front of it.



Pray for me!

I busted the door down and looked around.

'Its still the same...'

"Aww... Did little Y/n break the rules?" I heard a voice.


I turned around and looked at him(yeah I changed the her to him.)

"Yeah? So what?"

"You DO know the rules, riiiighttt?"

''Students aren't allowed to break down doors.''

"I do. But this can help, imma right?"

"What can this help anyways??? Help me bring despair? Puhuhuhuhu! You're SO nice Y/n!"

"Blah blah blah. Anyways, do me a favor."

"And what's that favor?" Monokuma said tilting his head

"Can my punishment be,"the after school lessons"?" I asked the bear

"Ohhh? Sure, why not? Aaaanything for my lovely students! Ahahahaha!" He disappeared now

I stood there awkwardly in silence waiting for them to arrive, or you know. for so something to happen?


Okay, so. I'm bad with scenarios so let's say, all of them arrived. They all cried why did you do that, or what the hell is wrong with you(*cough cough* Mondo *cough*)

"Guys, its okay! You all were looking soooo down! And hey, look! This would help right?" You said.

They exclaimed it would be better if no one would die in exchange yatta yatta.

And you're execution is just like Makoto's(and Junko's)

And The AE came up and and stopped the hydraulic from crushing you and you got yeeted to the trash just like what you are.(jk sorry lol)

Sorry, I'm bad with these kinds of scenarios

Okay, peace

Continued on–—

[3rd POV:]

All of them were shocked, and glad since Y/n didn't die

And uh...


Your POV:

"Owwww!! This hurts worse then the slap meme!"

'Y/n. This isn't important right now! You're now stuck to where you belong you know!?'

"Wha- oh. Thanks sherlock."

'No probs'

A/n:heyo! Sorry if the chapter is short! Exams are starting again! But I hope you enjoyed this! January 20, 2021



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