Sings quietly: wake me up inside!~

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A/n: before we start, look at this beautiful combination!sndhdnsja, (Kiibo best boi)(and Gonta best gentleman) okay, we shall start!

Y/n POV:

"*yawn*-choke" I choked on my saliva, which was so stupid
'Ah, its the last victim now' I looked at the clock- which was 4 hours earlier than the announcement. Am I an early bird now?

Then I realized something, 'sh**! I forgot those two were gonna spar!'

After doing my routine, I rushed out the door and slowly peek to the gym as I widened my eyes a little 'yes!'

What I saw is what I was suppose to! Sakura and Monokuma fighting! Well, mostly Kuma winning now actually

I knew about the hostage so I quickly ran back to my room

"*huff* boi, I hope I can stop this one" I said before going back to sleep

Wake up!

I opened my eyes only to see darkness

"What!? Where am I?! I didn't even finish THH yet?!" I was about to cry when I heard a voice, laughing. It sounded feminine

"Hahaha... Nonono you big idiot! This is just your inner dreams!" The voice said

"My... Dreams? Like uh- I'm unconscious, still on my bed, the danganropa one right?"

"Yep! Anyways... I've been actually trying to get a hold here although I was having a hard time but I managed to went to your brain or you know, mind?" I fake shivered

"Bruh, that's kinda creepy. Anyways, who are you and why are you in my mind?" I asked

"Ah, I don't have a specific name nor form but, you can give me a name! As for your second question... You um, would need a companion?" I huff

"I already have enough"

"H-hey! Look, I know you are from the real world and, I need to accompany you okay?!" I started thinking

'I get it... Its like when I'm in trouble, she would help me and *gasp* I won't be bored anymore!'
I turned to the direction where the voice is coming from

"Okay, I understand I guess, sorry bout me awhile ago, also, I already have a name for ya" I chuckled as she chuckled back

"Oh? And what is that?" I smiled

"I'll name you... Renme!"

"*Ding dong bing bong* gooooood morning everyone! It is now 10 pm! Now, let's show some enthusiasm and give it our all today!" I groaned

"Uuuughh nooooo, I don't wannaaaaa" I whined

''Shut the f*** up and get up, you're literally forgetting about the motive'' I shrieked

"GAAAaaeeh... Oh hi Renme, I forgot you managed to go to my mind..." She huffed

"Yes, idiot. Now get up and get ready" I rolled my eyes

"Okay okay geez... You sound like a mom" I murmured as I prepare

"Bish I heard that"

I entered the cafeteria yawning

"Did you not have enough sleep?" I yelped at the sudden voice as I turn around

"Heyyyyy Taka! Uhh no! I had a good amount of sleep! I'm just uh bored! Yeah, bored... Haha..." He looked at me confused

"I see... Okay then, I shall not interfere further in your business" he said walking to the table

After eating breakfast the-

"*Ding dong bing bong* Helloooo my dear students! I have to say something VERY important!
Which issss a motive!puhuhu! Now come to the gym immediately!"

'Shhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeettttt' I said

"Shall we go?" Renme asked as I smirked internally


A/n: phew! Sowwy guys for not updating the next chapter! I sorta lost my motivation a bit but it came back! Yuh<3 now here is the chapter! And, boy, aren't y'all getting excited for the finality? I am! Oh well, that all for now! October 24, 2020



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