new flooorr(+bonus chapter)

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Your POV:

Sigh. Monokuma announce a new floor as a price for surviving and uh... Sulked cuz you know, no murder is happening

'Last floor?'

'Last floor.'

As I looked around with cinnamon Chihiro, we both found a large plant

'Holy Bagel I always wanted to see it in personal!'


"Ooooh!!! Prettyyy....!" I gasped as Chi-boi took a step back as he sweat dropped

"Y/n... I don't think that's... Safe...." I looked around in confusion

"Why not?"

"Because it looks.... Alive and... Scary..." He turned to the large plant

"Oh well..." I took a step to the side as I saw in the corner of my eye, the large plant literally near me like it tried to eat someone

" I took a step to the side as I saw in the corner of my eye, the large plant literally near me like it tried to eat someone

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(A/n: This is an art by moi. And yes I changed Y/n's outfit [fun fact: since I can't really draw myself, I decided to draw me in animated and no this isn't the real me, only the oc looking version])

'Was it about to eat me?'

'Yes you idiot'

'I guess it thought I was a good looking snacc'


"Y-Y/n! Are you okay?!?" Chihiro asked me as we both walked away from the plant

"Pfft, yeah! I always am! maybe..." I puffed my chest out as I murmured the last part which good thing Chihiro did not hear

"Besides, I can look bad a*s when I give half a damn!" I said copying Ibuki's line

"Okay... Be more careful okay?" I nodded



-°•°•Before Chapter 2's murder•°•°-

Your POV: :D

"🎵Two to the one to the one to the three I give up with this mysteries,just from walking I lost a lot of energy!I hate Monokuma with all of my might sorry not sorry!🎵" I sang while skipping in the hall

"Psst..! Y/n!" I stopped and look around


"Over here you d-dumbass!" I now recognized the voice I look to the direction where Toko's dorm is I saw her peaking in a small gap from her door

"Oh! Hey Toko! What's up?" I ask whispering and lowering my voice

"C-Come over here will you? You're gonna look like an i-i-idiot just standing there and looking over my dorm l-looking like a p-pervert with d-dirty thoughts..." She said with a smug face as I earned a light blush

"A-alright alright! Fine! Sheesh..."

As I entered her dorm I asked with a -_- face

"Ight, tell me why does the mortal ask for my existence?" I said in a Gudham way of speaking while placing my hands on my hips

"I-its just that... I have a s-secret to tell you" As she said that my eyes widened as I back up

"Woah Woah Woah! I get that, we all have secrets but, why tell me out of all people? We don't even talk that often?" I said yelling a little

"I-i dont know okay?! M-maybe its like f-fate" she smugly said

"W- fine! Just shut up on that topic.." I grumbled

"S-so... Do you know the m-murderer genocide jack?" I light bulb pop on my head


"W-well yeah I suppose... Although I don't really know much of these 'murderers'"

"W-whatever anyway.... I-im..." I tilted my head


"I'm!- ACHOO!" I backed up

"Ohhh bagels pls help me"

"KYAHAHAHA!! Genocide Jill, the Ultimate Murderous Fiend at your service! Oh? Who's this lady?" Jill said looking at me

"Uh hello? I'm Y/n L/n... So that's what Toko wanted to say..." I said with fake realization

"Of course! She doesn't even have the guts to say it unless she sneeze! KYAHAHAHA!"

"I-i see...." I sweat dropped

"So! Since IM intrigued on you, why not hangout here eh?" Jill asked

"Okay..?" I replied with a •-• face

-✴--• TimeSkip •--✴-

So, basically me and Jill just talked about bois and uh, murder?

Although I did enjoy hanging out with her

"S-so um Jill... Thanks for the hang out" I said fiddling with my fingers

"Aha! Yeah yeah! Oh! I'm gonna sneeze soon so ya better right a letter for the literature girl!"

"O-oh! Okay!"

(A/n: im too lazy for the Toko's POV: so I'll just show you the letter you wrote and she was really happy :)

Dear Toko,

Hi! It's me, Y/n! The nighttime announcement went off so I had to go but, Jill said to make a letter for you! Well, the other you! Me and Jill hangout and I enjoyed her company, and if I say that, that means I enjoyed yours too, I'm happy that you're open to someone who rarely talks to you and I'm actually glad that I talked to you! Anyways that's all! Oh and don't worry about your secret, I'm keeping my mouth shut! Good night.

Your friend,
- Y/n

A/n: heya guys! Thanks for waiting! I've been busy with school and uh... I have nothing else to say... Oh! Im working on the next chapter already! So please wait patiently! Also, how was my art skills? Not my best one yet but like, I lowkey feel proud anyways! Bye! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! November 28, 2020



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