Moneh fonneh

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After a few days of the secret incident. Chihiro have been a bit more open and yet... That bear had to ruin the fun.

Me and Chihiro were just talking about programming until–

*Ding Dong bing bong..... Puhuhu! Hello my dear students! Pease come to the gym right now! Thank you!*

I sighed "Please don't tell me this is..." Chiboi trailed off

"Yep. Let's go. I doubt anyone would kill anyway." I said with my eyes closed

He agreed as we walked to the gym to see a few already there

After everyone arriving that annoying- ehem I mean Monokuma arrived

"So, Since you called us to the gym. Does that mean you have something important to say?" 'Celeste' said

'Bish don't even think about killing them-' I got interrupted thinking by an annoying voice

"Puhuhuhu! Now that is a 1 million dollar question!"

"A what now?" I said playing along while tilting my head

"Wellll.... Since I'm SO generous, I'm willing to give 1 million dollar to one of you!" Monokuma said

"R-really?" Chihiro said

"Yes! Although... There's a catch...." Monokuma trailed off

"Where gonna k-k-kill each other?!" Hifumi asked

"Is this another of your motive?" Sakura asked

"Yep! Anddd Yep! If you kill, I'll give you aaa million dollars! Only if you win the class trial too!"

"Yeah yeah I get it. Who the f*** cares about stupid money anyway?" I asked pretending to be clueless

"Y-yeah! That's right! We won't kill just for money!" Makoto agreed

"Hmm... You think! OH WELL! good luck to you all~" then she disappeared

"That bear gives me chills up my spine..." I said holding both my arms

-------- lazy timeskip-------

After that, everyone went to their business as I figured to go hangout with Celeste

I went to the dining hall since I remembered that was her favorite spot since she always drink tea

"Hey Celeste!" I waved at the vampire looking goth girl


"So ummm. Wanna hangout?" I said nervously

"Of course, you can sit down here if you wouldn't mind" Celeste said as she point to the empty chair

"Okay!" I walked to the chair and sat to it 'maybe I should be straight forward...' I though

"So umm... Weird question but, what do you dream for?"
I ask

"Hmm, you see. I wish for a big castle to live in with a bunch of servants that are boys. That's all" she said ending it with a close-eyed smile

"Oh! Actually, I have a friend not sure if they remember me... But she lives in a castle in Novoselic! Maybe if you can be friends with her, you can live in a castle too!" I said smiling putting both of my fist

"Hmm... That do seems interesting. I'll try if we get out of here." I raised both of my hands childishly


Then, we kept talking about dreams and something else. After the hangout. I went back to my dorm and fell asleep with a prayer for me to wake up early....

A/n: hewwo. Sowwy for not posting for a few while- my assignment and activities keeps on piling up- anyways! Sorry if it's short! I only managed to make a chapter a night! October 15,2020



Hope's Alliance [Danganropa x reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora