Chapter 4

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Rias was in her room.

Staring at her phone, scrolling through pictures while wearing Y/N's Shirt and shorts.

Her chest was ... heavy it was as if someone put a weight on her heart, until she landed on one of the best memories she had.

Their second date, it was, the best day of her life, and it hurt her, she was remembering, She felt tears running down her cheeks as she faked a smile to herself before throwing the smart phone into the wall.

"I can't, I can't." She whispered.

She receded into a fetal position.
And she sobbed, It was unstoppable.

The next day, she emerged from her room, to reveal Y/N sitting on one of the stools near the table.

Sipping coffee, while reading a booklet.

"Y/N? What are you doing? Here, I mean." The Redhead asked

"I was just here, dropping some stuff off, Souvenirs, for your peerage." He replied in a calm soothing tone, it was just what Rias needed.

"Soo, About the baby..."

"Treat it with care and fill it with love, don't throw it away or abort it or neglect it, Just. Love him or her." He said, this was different from his cynical, tone from a few days ago.

"But, It's a sin."

"Don't you devils thrive on sin?"

"It's a different kind of sin, the guilt kind, It's an abomination and it will undoubtedly put a dent on my family's name."

"It's your child with Hyoudou, The Red Dragon Emperor, It's hardly dishonorable." 

He put his hand on her left cheek, and she, leaned into his hand as if she was comforted, knowing that this will be the last time she will feel this, warmth, emotion, she savored the moment.

She felt his hand leave her cheek , her mind wanted more time, time she never had.

"Say, Do you know anyone named Venelena?" He asked

"It's my mother, I think."

"Venelana Portia?"

"Yes, That's my mother."

"Then can you give this to her if you have the chance."

Y/N pulled out a notebook, and an old one at that, it's cover was made out of leather, with a renaissance style heart on the middle.

"What is it?"

"Something that needed returning for a long time, it's a family heirloom, It's been passed down generation to generation, with specific instructions to give this To your mother."

"What's in it?"

"It's mostly just a journal with a message directed to Venelana, tell her it's from Artorias."

"Okay. Do you wanna hang-out later?
Not the ' we're lovers' type, just two friends hanging out."

"I'm sorry but I can't, I'm really busy, Why not hang-out with issei? You should really get to know your child's father."

Oof, Rias was reminded of that, her heart was even heavier now, and her head was throbbing.

"I'll see you around." He waved before leaving.

She tried to wave back, but couldn't, seeing that he was already out
the door.

She went to the sink and she put water in her face, before looking at her stomach and she put a hand over it.

Her mind was racing, she wasn't thinking straight.

'You little shit, You fucking derailed my life before you are even born.'

She thought.

Her mind was determined to destroy the thing that killed her future.

To her, time slowed down.
Thoughts raced through her mind.



'But Y/N said.'

'it doesn't matter what he said.'

'he was in europe when this happened.'

'So? It's our fault our future together is null and void.'

'It was never your fault.'

'It was issei's'

'no it was never his, it was mine, I thought I could get away with being with another man with him in europe.'

'Is that so?'

'Yes! We should do what Y/N wanted and take care of the child, It's the least we could do.'

Her inner thoughts were now silent. she let out a sigh.

As she did, She felt a hug from behind.

"Hey, Rias."

"Hey Issei."

"How's our little one?"
Issei said, before putting one of his hands on her stomach

"He's dormant."

"Where's everyone else?"

"They're relaxing."

"The entire peerage or atleast the girls are sharing you."

"I'm so tired."

"Of course you are."

Y/N left the tower's front door and he walked to his apartment, deeper into kuoh.

He looked around the town, looking at every shop and building, the sun had already set and the night had set in, shops opened up, some closed down for the day and people filled the streets, Karaoke bars were filled with people coming back from work, some were hurrying to their offices, He stopped at a junction, looking at the signals across the street, his eyes caught on a couple, smiling with the girl pulling her boyfriends arm as she guides him to a nearby fast food place. Smiles were across both of their faces. And he couldn't help but give a small smile, as it gave him precious memories.

He felt something cold run down his cheek, he wiped it off, he looked at his hand.

"I really fell for her hard huh?, typical."

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