Chapter 5

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Rias, just stepped out of the portal, to reveal, Her Parents' realm, and infront of her, Gremory Castle.
With her family's sigil on the main doors and walls of the castle.

She walked to the doors and knocked on it.

The Huge metal doors opened to reveal the courtyard, a large garden of roses were on both sides of the path to the front door.

She wasted no time and she walked to the door, when she approached it, a maid greeted her.

"Welcome back, Mistress Rias."

Rias simply gave a smile,

"Thank You, Can you tell me were are mother and father?"

"The both of them are in the back yard, I can tell them that you have arrived."

"No, I think I'll surprise them."

"Very Well, Mistress."

She walked down the main hall, passing the stairs.

To the Glass doors at the end of it.

She paid no heed to the paintings of her and her family, and she only gave a nod to the Maids and butlers that crossed her way.

She arrived to the Glass doors and pushed them outward.

To reveal, their backyard, a large plot of land, with it's own ecosystem and a mountain and forest, too.

She took a breath, The air here was fresher than the polluted air of the humans, and She saw, a brick pathway, to the center of the "garden".

A Gazebo, with two figures standing within it, as she neared, the two figures' attention turned to her.

Her mother and father greeted her with a smile.

"Hey honey." Her dad said with a smile.

"Hey dad." She hugged him.

"Rias, it's not everyday you visit us, what's going on?" Her mother asked with worry in her voice.

"It's a long story." She said in an exhausted tone

"Then sit down, tell us about it." Venelana motioned to a chair.

30 minutes later ..

"You're pregnant?!" Her father shouted.

"Yes!" Rias said with a smile.

"I'm going to be a grandma." Venelana smiled as she wiped away tears of joy.

"Who's the father?" Asked her father

"Umm, Issei Hyoudou."

"The Red Dragon Emperor?"


Her father smiled.

"Well, he isn't Riser but he'll have to do." He said with Venelana looking at him in partial shock and softly hitting his shoulder, "Okay Jeez Ven, It's a little early, but I'm proud of you."

With Y/N.

He was in his apartment, watching the TV and their over acted shows, he never liked japanese television, they were too faked and their 'reality shows' were more heavily scripted than other nation's reality shows.

Then he heard a knock on the door.

He walked to it and he opened it to reveal an old man.

"Hello, Can you tell me where the nearest 7/11 is?"

"Hi Gabriel, Stop fucking with me." He said in a sarcastic smile.

"As I expected from the young master."

"So, What do you want?"

"Can I come in?"

"What are you? A vampire? Of course you can, In fact you could have just teleported in."

The "old man" walked in and he revealed his true form, an eight winged angel, you could mistake him for a military man for his stature, facial expression and build.

"What's gotten you so grumpy?" He asked


"Is is about the starving kids in africa again?"


"Why the hell did you call me "Young master" I'm not a kid."

"You technically are."

"No I'm not."

"Well, to me you are."

The Angel Gabriel had a military cut and golden eyes with a hint of silver.

"So, Who broke in the vault this time? Treasure hunters who jumped down the wrong cave? Neo-Nazis? Regular Nazis? Some Magical Terrorists? or some broken Vampire in a red coat with an incomprehensible


"Of course it's them, you'd think they'd give up the thousandth time, did they try to steal an unfinished sacred gear?"

"They didn't try, they actually stole it."

"What did they steal? did they steal a cup holder thinking it was some Magical Bracelet that could kill The Father Almighty?"


The being's relaxed posture became more of a serious posture, with him standing straight and his fists clenched.

"The What?!"

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