Chapter 6 make up your mind

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A quick little update :)

"Harry I don't think that's fair!" I say stomping my foot, Harry laughs at my actions, we had to pretend we stilled lived together, I always got the right side of the bed facing away from the door. I had a fear of getting kidnapped harry never liked facing the door either. As he moved my bags he called dibs jumping on the right side.
"No one is going to kidnap you!" he says sitting up. I cross my arms and pout, he could never say no to me when I pout. He frowns standing up
"No, No, No you can't use that against me!" he says covering his eyes. I smile while he isn't looking,
"Please Harry" I stand in front of him removing his hands, I pout and he groans
"Nope" he looks up making me giggle.
"Pretty please" I whisper. I also used the sex card, but I didn't know if I could right now. He looks down at me and I bite my lip he stares at them I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him close.
"Please harry" I brush my lips against his making my heart beat faster. Part of me wanted him to keep saying no so I could have him this close. His eyes met mine I licked my lips I felt his hands rest on my waist.
"Fine" he whispers he tries to lean in to kiss me but I pull away fast jumping on the bed.
"HA!" I laugh watching how his eyes widen.
"That's what you get for kissing me at the red carpet." I say smirking he rolls his eyes walking out the room. Mama still got it, I smiled at me self feeling proud.

A few hours of cleaning Harry's mess I finally sit on the couch, in the morning Anne would be arriving at the airport. I wonder if harry would go out tonight? Probably, he wouldn't stay here with boring me. he said it himself. I close my eyes taking it in, being back at my house.
"Hey" I hear his voice I open my eyes tilting my head side ways to see him, my mouth hangs open as Harry walks around with only a towel loosely around his waist . This little son of-
"Take a picture it will last longer" he laughs, I shake my head and glare at him I take my phone out and do as he says, he looks at me when the flash goes off making me laugh. his eyes are widen he looks like someone just scared him,
"MELODY!" he says walking towards me, I quickly get up running the other way.
"Hm, lets see what the fans think" I tease
"melody I swear!" he chases me
"Look at my amazing Husband" I say out loud typing the tweet.
"Melody!!" I scream as I feel his arms around me picking me up.
"Harry!" I laugh mimicking him.
"Give me your phone" he says trying to take it. I shake my head guarding it with my life, he groans walking back to he living room he sets me down on the couch, I try to run but he hovers over me.
"Give it" he says reaching for it.
"no" I stick my tongue out at him,

Harry POV

I stare down at her, she smiles up at me trying to keep the phone away from me. her face is flushed I didn't if it was from the running or the fact that I was on top of her. my eyes without thinking land on her lips. They are so plump and pink, so kissable. She stares at me as I lean in, I see her chest move up and down a little fast as if she is trying to catch her breath. I feel her hand land on my chest trying to stop me, I take her hand slowly guiding it down my stomach she stares at me then my lips. I kiss her cheek softly then slowly leave wet kisses down to her neck. I feel her both hands down on my waist gripping it. I smirk reaching under her to take her phone. I see her flushed face, as I stand up. she stands up glaring at me I smile at her feeling proud of getting back her from earlier, then her eyes widen. She stares behind me standing up quickly, I turn to see Liam and Niall with their jaws dropped. I scratch the back of my head feeling a little embarrassed
"Hey guys" I laugh it off, Niall looks at Liam who is sending questioning looks to Melody.
"Uh I hope we"
"You weren't!" melody says,
"We just came cause I needed my soccer ball, we are going to play some football at Louis's house" Niall explains.
"Oh ya he texted me about it, we will meet you guys when melody gets ready" I say leading Niall to the soccer ball leaving Melody and Liam alone. as we get further away from them Niall stops me.
"What the hell man" he says
"You and Melody? We saw you kissing her what was that about?"
"I was just teasing her Niall" I roll my eyes reaching for the ball. He scoffs.
"well stop" I look at him
"why? What it to you" I ask angry
"You asked for a divorce harry, now you are kissing her like nothing is going on? She has feelings towards you still if you didn't know she loves you! you are giving her a tiny hope you might still love her, she will hang on to you and once you sign those damn papers her heart will break all over again" he shakes his head, he snatched the ball from my hands.
"Niall" he stops.
"Maybe I do love her" I admit, saying it out loud was making it more real. I honestly don't know how to feel about this. He shakes his head.
"You have 4 months to make up your mind" he says.

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