Chapter 17 : You Thought

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This was really hard for me write.

i hope everyone is doing okay.

sorry for any Mistakes

Picture of pregnant Melody on the side.

Harry POV

I step out of the limo with Niall, Louis and Zayn. Liam said he was picking up Sophia and was going to arrive a little late. We slowly make our way to the red carpet. We smile looking at the Camera. We stand next to each other and wave at the fans. An Interviewer comes along with a smile on her face.

"Hello guys!" she says excited we all huddle together, it was four of us and it felt odd not having our fifth member.

"Hello!" we say in unison

"Are you excited to be up for 3 awards tonight?" she asks

"Uh, yea we are pretty excited," I say,

"Are you worried?" she asks

"No way, we got the best fans and we know they have our back." Niall says. We all smile; she asks more simple questions about our songs, albums and awards. We answer each question with a simple answer.

"Where is your wife Harry? And Liam!!!"

"Uh well-"

"Oh never mind, there they are." She says before I could say anything. I looked at her confused. The boys and I slowly turn our heads to the entrance were the limos and cars are arriving. Stepping out of the car was Liam and Sophia Then Liam extends his arm. I step forward and look closely. Melody steps out in a white dress, her hair was wavy and her make up was light. I looked down at her stomach and a baby bump was there. My eyes widen, I look up at her face again and her eyes meet mine. She has a smile on her face. They walk closer to us and I hear gasps around us.

"Melody Styles has just arrived with a baby bump" I hear from my left side.

"Harry Styles is soon to be a Father" I hear from my right. I am totally frozen. I see her walk up to me and smile. I couldn't say anything.

"Oh Harry, way to keep a secret from us!" the interviewer said. I gulp looking back at the boys who had a grin on their faces. I could tell they already knew. I wanted to be happy, I honestly did. But I couldn't help but feel angry. She kept this from me, she lied to me and so did the boys. I force a smile and turn around with her hand in mine. I tighten the hold and holds it back. I don't bother looking down at her. I walk towards the boys with the flashing lights. I feel her lean and I do look down but soon regret it. I see her shy smile hide behind my arm. She looks so innocent, defenseless but happy. We walk into the building. Hand in hand as the boys cheer. I stay silent not knowing how to respond. I lead them to our seats. I sit beside Melody who hasn't stopped smiling; next to me was Niall, Liam, Louis and then Zayn. As we wait for the even to start celebrities come to us. They congratulate me and ask if they could touch Melody's belly. She would always say yes. I stayed quite and smiled. After awhile Niall quickly went to the other side by Melody.

"I can finally rub the belly!" he says, she laughs I glance as Niall rubs Melody's belly. I growl and tighten the grip on Melody's hand getting their attention. Niall looks at Melody with a small smile. He stands up and moves to his seat beside me.

"How long?" I ask harshly without looking down at her, I feel her trying to let go of my hand but I don't let her.

"6 months" she softly says,

"And you didn't tell me why?" I finally look at her; the happiness was gone replaced with worry.

"I-" she bit her lip.

"Melody" I glare at her. She looks down at her lap.

" I found out after you asked for the divorce, I thought if I told you, you wouldn't believe me or that you would only stay for the baby. I had planed on telling you when we signed the final papers so we could discuss how it was going to work." I take a deep breath closing my eyes.

"I wasn't going to keep you from her" I feel her hands touch my cheek my eyes snap open.

"Her." I say she nods smiling. I remove her hand from my face and it fades away.

"I thought you would be excited."

"Why would I be?" I harshly respond. I didn't mean it, of course I was happy but the anger got to me. The words left my mouth before I could stop myself. She nods looking away hurt. I look back to the boys who had a shocked expression they shook their heads. I sighed leaning back.


Melody's POV

I stood by the bar waiting for Harry to show up. He had left me to wonder off alone at the after party. The boys had won all 3 awards and were out celebrating, I went along but that was a mistake. Liam and Sophia were out having a great time, Niall was out drinking and Zayn and Louis were having a great time with their cigs. And me? Well Harry was angry with me; I don't know why I didn't see this coming. How silly of me to think he was going to be happy. Maybe I should go home. I started to walk towards the exit of the club. One of the guards saw me.

"Mrs. Styles" he said I look up.

"I'll lead the way!" he says with a smile, I nod smiling back. After everyone found out it was like all they wanted to do was help me. They held the doors open for me, asked if I was hungry or thirsty. They asked if I was cold or hot, if I was comfy. It made me feel happy. At the award ceremony celebrity after celebrity came to ask if they could touch my belly. I nodded my baby was blessed by Beyoncé's hand.

I followed the guard through the back, he moved everyone out of the way. I waved and smiled as I passed by. As I am closer to the door my eye catches harry. I stop and look harder. He is laughing and smiling with a drink in his hand. My heart beats faster as I see a blonde girl on his lap giving him neck kissed. My eyes start to water and I walk towards them. I shove people out of the way. As I get closer to harry his eyes meet mine. He doesn't look surprised, worried or anything. He rolls his eyes whispering something to the blonde. She laughs getting of his lap. She walks away with a smirk on her face. I stand in front of him with tears ready to fall down my cheek.

"Why are you still here?" he says in monotone.

"Waiting for you, like always!" I bit out. He rolls his eyes.

"You know you never had to, you wanted to" he shrugs. I ball my fist to my side.

"I thought-"
"You know you do that a lot, you think about what's going to happen and make up a scenario in your mind, then you THINK about the plan, you do the plan and THINK everything is going to happen just like you imagined" he laughs bitterly.

"But it doesn't." he stands up and I step back. I gulp the height difference wasn't much but harry after all was taller.

"For example, you THOUGHT I would be happy about becoming a father, you THOUGHT this could work, you THOUGHT I wouldn't sleep with Cindy but look! You were wrong," he slurs he is drunk. I look away trying not to cry. This wasn't harry this was drunk harry. He didn't mean this I know that.

"Oh your back" I hear Harry says.

I glance up and see harry staring at the blonde girl. I see him lean in smirking. My heart is racing and I see his lips meet hers. The tears spill out leaving shocked. He pulls away then looks at her then me. I see his face; he is in shock and realized what he did. He backs away from the blonde; he looks at me with so much worry in his eyes. I turn my heel walking away.

"MELODY!" I hear my name. I shake my head and start to run.

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