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I woke up  to find Sebastian laying next to me, I cuddled closer to him which made him hold me tighter. I knew that he would always be by my side no matter what happend, he was my cousin but he acted more like a brother. Wendy and Maggie are his sisters and all four of us acted like brother and sisters and could trust each other for anything, when I was falling asleep once again I heard the room to my bed room open and then close.

"I told you they would still be asleep" Wendy said

"Should we wake them up or not" Maggie asked

"She needs to eat, she is still not as strong as she has to be" Wendy said

"Then you wake them up" Maggie said

"Want to scare them" Sebastian mind linked

"What do you have in mind" I answered

"Same old thing as always" he said

"Your on" I said

We waited for when they would get on his side of the bed and when Wendy was going to wake up Sebastian both me and him opened our eyes and screamed making both of them fall on their butts, Sebastian and me were laughing so hard that we had to hold our stomachs of how hard we were laughing.

"You two are going to give us a heart attack one of these days" Wendy said as she was standing up

"Yeah right" I said

"How long have you two been awake" Maggie asked

"For awhile now" Sebastian said

We all got up and we headed to the dinning room where the pack was surprised to see me, I got alot of welcome back's and by the time that breakfast was over the pack had organized a  welcome home party for this afternoon. I got up and went to my room to take a shower before taking a nap, I wanted to be well rested so I can hang out with all my friends and family like we used too.


After Sel went to take a shower before taking a nap, I was with Chace when we were told that my father and the coucil wanted to talk with me and him in the alpha's office so we headed that way.

"Father, coucil what brings you all here" I asked

"We got word that Sel and her pup are in danger and we wanted to talk about asking the Black Fire Pack for help" my father said

"No, Selena will not accept any help from them after what Guillermo did to her" I said sitting down on the alpha's chair

"That is not your choice" my father said

"But it is mine" we heard someone say as the door was being opened

"Selena its for your safety" my father said

"I don't want any help from them, my pack will stand by my side and will protect me as well as the future of this pack" she said

"Selena, please think about it" my father said

"I have thought about it since I left that place, while Luna and Alpha Chavez were the best and did as they had promised their son on the other hand wasn't even though he is my mate" Selena said as she sat down on my lap

"If you two weren't cousins you would be a good couple and a great team to lead the pack" my father said

"Well I am glad that you are all here because I wanted to pass something that I have been thinking about for some time now" Selena said

"And what is that" one of the other coucil men asked

"I want your permision to make Sebastian co-alpha of this pack, I want him to stand by me as my other half until he meets his mate" Selena said

"WHAT" was the answer that all of us said at the same time

"My mate chose someone else as his mate, being pregnant with alpha blood I need my mate or I might not even make it through the birth. Sebastian is my cousin and I trust him with my own life, there for he is the perfect person to stand by my side to help lead this pack and to be by my side when I have my pup" Selena said

"She has a point there gentlemen, she needs an alpha by her side when she gives birth and Sebastian has been filling in as alpha while Selena was away there for he would be a great person to stand by Selena until he finds his mate" my father said

"When do you want to the ceremony to take place" another concil man asked

"The pack has organized a welcome home party, we can do it then" Selena said

"Then we will prepare everything for the ceremony, tonight is a full moon so it will be proper to do it tonight" my father said

When my father and the council man left the office, I turned Selena so she could see me directly in her eyes.

"Are you sure of what your doing" I asked

"Yeah, besides it will propably make Guillermo and his goons go away" she said

"What are you talking about" I asked

"Come with me to my room" she said

We walked to her room and she walked to the balcony, she turned around and held her hand out for me to take hers before she hugged me.

"Look towards the hotel, pent house suite" she said

I look around towards the woods pretending to look towards the area where I had asked several fighters to keep watch, slowly I lifted my head up and laid it on top of Selena's head holding her closer and looking to pent house suite where I was able to see Lazaro and Adreano looking back in to the suite before Guillermo and Silvano appeared in the balcony looking at us. I pulled away and held Selena's hands in mine before placing a kiss on her for head just as she was placing it on my chest, I laid one last kiss on top of her head and held her before turning my back to the hotel and walking back in side Selena's room pulling her with me sitting her on her bed holding her in my arms just like I would when we were little.

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