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When Susy gave me thanks after the bond between me and Sebastian was broken you could hear alot of gasps, I looked at my uncle and Ricardo who had big smile on their faces. My father then walked out of the forest and stood next to me picking up Cole in his arms, I looked at him and he nodded his head as he looked towards my uncle.

"Brother its nice to see you once again" my uncle Michael said

"It sure is nice" my father said

He then turned to look at me and once again nodded his head towards me, I looked out towards the croud as my eyes landed on Guillermo who was looking at me while he walked towards us. I started to shift back to my human form keeping my beautiful big angel wings wearing a long silk golden dress, when I was in my human form I felt someone  behind me as my father was telling Cole how to do the same thing I had done and after a few seconds Cole was in my father's arm wearing a golden outfit showing off his beautiful eyes as well as his black and white hair just like mine which made who ever was behind me gasp.


When Susy gave thanks to the golden wolf saying Selena's name I stood up and started to pay attention at what was going on on the stage, we then saw Lucifer walking out of the forest from where the golden wolves had come out from. After Michael and Lucifer had crossed a few words he nodded towards the golden wolf who locked eyes with me as I was making my way to the stage, when the golden wolf closed its eyes and started to shift in to its human form keeping its wings I walked fast to be able to stand behind it and when it was in its human form Selena's scent hit me like a ton of bricks and then I turned to look at Lucifer who was holding the smallest wolf whispering in its ear just before it shifted in to its human form.

When I saw the little boy with the golden outfit, black and white hair, its eyes one was ice blue as the other one was brown it made me gasp as I saw how he was looking at Selena who stretch her arms out for him who right away went to her. I looked towards my father who had a big smile on his face, Selena wrapped her wings around her and the little boy before turning around to look at me.

"Sel" I said

"Guillermo" she said as she looked at me

"Who is this" I asked as I looked at the little boy who had turned to see me

"Mommy is this him" the little boy asked

"Yes baby, this is him" Selena said as she looked at the little boy with a big smile


When I felt the small wolf rub itself on me I looked up to meet the larger wolf's eyes, I wanted to ask so many questions but they were answered by her with out me asking.

"He is rubbing his grandfather's scent on himself" I was told through mind link

"Selena, is it really you" I asked through the mind link

"It's good to see you again Ricardo" she said

I then turned and went to help Michael with the ceremony, after that everything happend so fast that when I looked towards Selena my son was already standing in front of her as she held on to my grandson with her wings wrapped around her and him. There were some words said and then my grandson asked one single question and it made me smile when I heard Selena answer his question with a big smile on her face, you could tell that she had been wanting to say that for a long time and she was finally able to do so.


When Selena left her pack she came to me and she staid for three years until I reminded her that she was still bonded to Sebastian, she got ahold of my brother and told him to prepare everything for the breaking of the bonding between her and Sebastian saying that she would try to be there but wasn't sure if she would be there since she didn't want to see Guillermo.

After some talking with her I convinced her that it was time for her to go back and confront her past, we started to go towards her pack lands and by the time we got there she shifted in to her golden shinning wolf which is her majestry wolf not wanting anyone to know who she was just yet. Cole copied her and shifted in to his majestry wolf as well, I was so proud of the mother Selena had become and how well she had raised Cole all by herself for these past three years.


I kept my eyes on Guillermo not wanting him to go off on Selena for keeping Cole from him, now that he is older you can tell that he is his son. Looking at Cole is like looking at Guillermo but in a miniture version of him, when Cole asked Selena that one question and Selena answering it you could tell that Guillermo was adding one and one together. I stepped up to stand next to Selena, Cole turned and looked at me giving me a big smile, his eyes never leaving my own as we looked at each other.

When I looked at Guillermo he was already looking at me and you could tell that he was really mad at me but I didn't care I did what Selena asked me to do, we had to keep Cole hidden from him and the only way that we could do that in case he ever came to the pack when he was smaller was to say that he was mine and Susy's. After all we were his godparents and we had to protect him in any way we could, Cole reached out to me and I took him in my arms as Selena kept her eyes on Guillermo not knowing what he would do now that he knew about the true identity of Cole, when I had Cole in my arms Susy came to stand next to me giving him a kiss only to get one back from him with a big smile on his face.

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