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When Guillermo placed me in his lap and allowed me to cry in his arms socking his shirt, I felt at home but deep down I was still angry at him for all the pain he put me through. I had so many questions I wanted to ask him, questions that only he could answer but I didn't know how to ask them without crying even more.

"Sel, I know that I did you wrong and that I will have to do alot to get you to trust me but I want you to know that I always wanted you and that I only said that I was going to stay with Stephani because she said that she was pregnant with my pup not because I didn't want to be with you" Guillermo said

"Then why didn't you come after me when I told you that she wasn't pregnant, why didn't you ask me to stay when I was leaving your pack" I said

"I don't know, I think that I was sad that I wasn't going to be a father and that all my hopes of being one had gone away because Stephani had lied to me" he said

"You should had been able to smell that her scent wasn't different as it tends to happen when a female is pregnant" I said

"I know but I realized to late of my mistake and when I found out that the pregnancy test she showed me was your everyone told me that you had lost our pup because of me it got me even more depressed and I didn't want to do anything my parents had to force me to do border patrol with the boys" he said

"The moment that your pack and then my pack howled a few seconds apart something told me that you never lost our pup but then the council went to the pack and said that the new majesty was born and that is why both packs had howled I started to get more suspecious but I didn't know how to prove it" he added

"But you where in my room and saw all the baby furniture in here" I said

"Sebastian and Susy said that you had bought it while you were in the pack hospital but when you lost our pup you got depressed and every time they tried to get the furniture out you would get really upset and didn't allow anyone to get the furniture out" he said

"I just don't know if to believe you or not" I said

"I understand if you don't but I can assure you that I really want you and our son in my life, I want to be there for the both of you even if you don't want me any where near you at least let me be there for him" he said

"Why did you get mad for taking Stephani's wolf away from her" I asked

"I didn't get mad, I was just wondering why you did that and not punish her any other way" he said

"There is alot you still don't know about me Guillermo, alot that will be happening in the next few months and I need to have a clear head for what I have to do" I said

"Let me be there for you Sel, let me help you with what ever I can, let me prove to you that I can be the mate that I was supposed to be since the day we met" he said

"I have to think about it" I said

"Does he know who I am" he asked

"Yes, I told him when he first asked where his daddy was and why he wasn't there with us" I said

"Has he ever seen me before today" he asked

"In your wolf form while patroling the border of your lands" I said

"When" he asked

"Every time that you and the guys would turn around when you senced that someone was looking at all of you" I said

"You both were the ones that would be watching us" he asked

"Yeah" I said with a slight smile on my face

"Why didn't you show yourselves to us" he asked

"I couldn't risk you knowing about him at that moment, Stephani was still on your lands and I didn't want anyone to tell her that we were back" I said

"So when he saw me in front of you both on the stage he asked if I was him because he was asking if I was his father" he asked

"Yeah, it the same reason that he rubbed himself on your father as he was in his wolf form. He wanted to rub your fathers scent on him to feel closer to you in some way, although he was doing it as an instinct because he was trying to mask his scent with your fathers incase you got close to us you wouldn't be able to smell his real scent and know that he was your pup" I said

"He is very smart then" he said

"He is" I said

"What was his first word" he asked

"Daddy" I said laughing

"Why is that so funny" he asked

"Because I would always try to get him to say Mommy but no he had to say Daddy" I said which made him laugh with me

We then heard a soft knock on the door and I got up from him walking to the door, when I opened it I saw Cole standing there rubbing his eyes then putting out his arms for me to pick him up.

"Mommy, when can I see daddy again. I want to tell him everything you have taught me, show him all my wolf toys that you have bought me" Cole said

"Well how about you come in here and talk with him" I said

He got his head up from my shoulder and looked towards my bed where Guillermo was sitting down, I placed him on the floor and saw him walk up to Guillermo while looking at him. Guillermo got on the floor and kneeled down so he would be at his hight, when they stood in front of each other Cole through himself in to Guillermo's arms hugging him while Guillermo did the same as tears fell from his eyes as he held on to Cole with all his might making sure that he wouldn't disappear or go away from him which made me tear up and let some tears fall from my own eyes.

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