01: The Avatar

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"Mommy. I don't like playing with Azula very much. She's very mean."Xai mumbled as she looked down at her chubby fingers, Chen continued to braid Xai's her, she would be lying if she said this was hard.

Xai had long, thick curly hair that she couldn't handle since her own hair was simply straight, so Chen braided it to make it easier for her to manage.

"Really sweetheart? What does she say?"Chen asked and she slowly turned Xai so she could look into her eyes, Xai looked down a bit and shook her head.

"She's mean to her brother Zuko. I talk to Zuko and he is very nice. Azula is not nice, she bullies him and Ty Lee, mommy. Today she placed an apple on my head and put fire on it mommy then Zuko saved me but he pushed me into a pond. Aunty Ursa gave me some of Azula's clothes."Chen sighed as she listened to her daughter's story.

Yes' daughter.

Chen decided to take the baby and raise her, luckily for her Xai was an easy going baby that learnt things pretty quickly. She discovered that Xai was in fact the avatar when Xai healed Uncle Iroh's burn marks.

Xai has only been taught fire bending to avoid her from using any other of her abilities, that and Chen did not know where else to take her daughter to teach her skills.

Chen wanted the war to end.

After hearing the tale about the avatar from General Iroh, Chen was determined to help Xai on her journey of becoming the Avatar and defeating the fire lord.

"Did Azula apologize?"Chen asked as she pulled Xai onto her lap.

Xai thought about it for a while then she nodded her head.

"That's great then honey."

"She only apologized because Lady Ursa told her to."Xai sassed as she pouted and crossed her arms, Chen giggled and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Then I apologize on behalf of Azula. Better?"Chen asked as she played with Xai's fingers.

"It doesn't work that way, mommy."Xai whined as she crossed her arms once again.

"Let's go to sleep honey. Then tomorrow you can talk to Azula about why you're upset."Xai nodded and jumped onto the bed, Chen smiled as she followed, they were facing each other which made Xai giggle.

"Goodnight, fire fly."Chen mumbled as she gently tapped Xai's nose.

"Goodnight mommy, I love you."

"I love you more."

Only Ursa and Iroh knew about Xai but only because Chen needed their help. Chen was planning on leaving the Fire Nation with Xai so she could get people to teach Xai all the elements she needed to become the successful avatar.

Nobody knew about Xai's arrows either because she always wore long sleeve robes and dresses.

"Go to sleep, Xai."Chen mumbled with her eyes closed, Xai giggled and cuddled into Chen's chest.


"You want to hear the story about the Avatar, don't you?"Chen asked whilst she giggled which made Xai nod and giggle in response as well.

In the old days, before you and I were even born there was a time of peace. When the avatar kept balance with the Water tribe, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation and Air Nomads.

But unfortunately that all changed when the Fire Nation suddenly attacked. Only the avatar master of all elements only he could stop the fire nation, but when the world needed him most...

he vanished.

A 100 years have passed and the fire nation is nearing victory in the war. It is believed that only the Avatar, the master of all elements could stop the war."Chen concluded as she gently caressed Xai's chubby cheek, Xai yawned and opened her eyes once again.

"Do you think the avatar will come back, mommy?"Xai asked like every other night after the story had been told.

"Yes' of course."

"Wow, that's so cool. I wish I could be the Avatar so I can save the world mommy, this other Avatar is taking too long."

XaiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant