06: Spirits

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"Xai, Xai wake up."I groaned as tossed and turned around the bed for a while before I slightly opened my eyes to see Yue.

"The Avatar is in a lot of trouble with Master Pakku." Yue said in a worried tone which made me roll my eyes and jump out of my bed, this man always got on my nerves.


"What do you want me to do? Force Master Pakku to take Aang back as his student?"Chief Arnook asked as he looked down at Aang and Katara.

I was standing next to the royal family with my mom beside me as we stood as guards.

"Yes, please."Katara pleaded as she looked up at Chief Arnook.

"I suspect he might change his mind, if you swallow your pride and apologize to him."Chief Arnook said which made Pakku smirk which made me roll my eyes in response.

"Fine."Katara said sadly as she looked down.

"I'm waiting little girl."Pakku smugly said as he looked at Katara with a smirk on his face and before Katara could open up his mouth I spoke up full of rage.

"Katara does not need to apologize to a sour old man like you, Master Pakku! You do nothing but degrade women and I'm sick of it, you're not even that good of a master! Show me if you're really as good as you claim to be. I'll be outside if you're willing to fight me."I said as I glared at him before I stormed out.

I had no idea what had gotten into me but that old man needed to be taught a lesson.

"Xai! What has gotten into you! That was not your fight!"My mother scolded as she grabbed my wrist and made me turn around.

"I know that mother but that bitter old man needs to be taught a lesson, he can't just disrespect people like that."I said as took off my coat in anger.

"And that gives you the right to be disrespectful toward him?"She asked as she glared at me "I did not raise you to be that way. Go in there and apologize to that man."

"I'm sorry mother but I will not be apologizing for doing what's right."I simply said as I looked up and noticed that the royal family, Aang, Katara and Sokka were following Pakku.

"So, you decided to show up?"I said as I got into my fighting stance but he walked right past me which made me frown "Where are you going?"

"Go back to the healing huts with the other women where you belong."Pakku said arrogantly which made me water whip the back of his head in anger.

"Fight me!"I yelled as I glared at the back of his head.

"Fine. You want to learn to fight so bad? Study closely!"Pakku yelled as he bends two streams of water from nearby pools and sends them both at a me but I caught the water and bend it back towards him.

He joins the two streams together, encircling both me and himself in a forceful ring of water around us.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you!"Pakku yelled which made me redirect the water towards him once again, I then created a huge wall in which he turned into spikes and charged them towards me, I broke every single one but one cut my arm which made me wince in pain.

Pakku then created a big wave which washed me away and I couldn't breath.


I realized that it was Yue screaming. I wanted to give up but as I coughed out water I blacked out.


I shot my eyes opened and looked up to see different people in front of me who had glowing eyes.


I looked to see an old man in front of me that had fire nation attire which made me step back.

"Where am I? Who are you?"I asked as I looked at the old man suspiciously.

"You are in the spirit world Xai and I am Avatar Roku. These are all the other Avatars."he said as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Spirit world? Did that bitter old man kill me!?"I asked in shock as I looked around "I usually dream about seeing you all and it is an honor but I cannot be dead."

"You are not dead, this is your Avatar State."He said as he showed me the Northern Water Tribe Palace and I saw a frightened Pakku alongside Aang trying to fly towards me, my mother trying to calm me down.

"What is the Avatar state?" I asked as I looked up at Avatar Roku in confusion"Why did you pick me?"

"The Avatar used that connection to the Spirit World to be the bridge between the two worlds in order to keep peace between them and ensure harmony.

As the only physical being with the ability to bend all four elements, it is considered the Avatar's duty to master the four bending arts and use that power to keep balance among the four nations of the world, as well as between mankind and spirits.

Upon death, the Avatar Spirit causes the Avatar to reincarnate into the next nation, dictated by the cyclic order: fire, air, water, and earth. Mirroring the order in which the first Avatar, Wan, learned the elements, this is also the traditional order in which any one incarnation is to master the elements, beginning with the bending art of the Avatar's birth nation.

The reincarnation cycle can only be broken if the Avatar is killed while in the Avatar State."

"So If I die in my Avatar State--"

"The reincarnation cycle will be broken." he said which made me step back in fright.

"What's the Avatar State?"I asked as I looked down at my hands.

" The Avatar State is a defense mechanism, designed to empower you with the skills and knowledge of all the past Avatars. The glow is the combination of all your past lives, focusing their energy through your body. In the Avatar State, you are at your most powerful, but you are also at your most vulnerable."he explained which made me nod my head slowly.

"I think I am ready to go."I mumbled as I looked up at him with a small smile, he nods his head and I blacked out once again.


"She's calming down. Come on honey!"

I dropped into my mother's arms and hugged her really close.

"I'm feeling cold."


"Why did you not tell us that you were the Avatar? We could have gotten you to train and you would ha--"

"What? I would have been trained because I'm the Avatar? Would you have all believed me? with all do respect sir, but I think your rule for forbidding females from learning such an incredible art of bending is ridiculous. It's cruel. I want you to treat women the way you treat men because quite frankly you need all the help you can get to fight this war, what if the fire nation invades the kingdom whilst the men are out at war? Who will you have then but yourself?"I asked as I looked up at the Chief who's look softened.

"Alright, you will be trained and all the other women in this kingdom shall be trained as well."I smiled and nodded at the Chief.

I smiled as I step out of the area and was engulfed by arms I smiled and noticed that it was Katara.

"You did it!"Katara yelled with excitement which made me giggle and hug her back.

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