03: The boy from the dreams.

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Present Day
Xai's point of view

"Excellent, Xai!"Master Kei cheered as she clapped at my healing skills, I smiled and nodded at her.

My mother and I traveled all around looking for different masters to train me, we reached Ba Seng Sai and I had learnt Earth bending, they welcomed us with open arms when my mother convinced them that I am the avatar.

After I successfully managed to learn Earth bending we went to the North Pole instead because I had a dream about an old man telling me about the North pole but when we got there, they only taught men how to bend and they refused to teach me.

My mother thought it would be a good idea for us to settle in the North Pole because it was safer for us because the Fire Nation wouldn't find us here at all.

We had convinced the villagers that we were refugees and that the fire nation had killed all of the villagers that lived in a village that we had made up, we couldn't tell them that we were Fire Bender nor could we tell them that I was the Avatar.

"Master Kei. I want to learn real water bending now, not just healing. I want to be a warrior too and I want to defend myself when I'm in danger."I said as I looked down at the doll, I heard her sigh heavily as she sat beside me.

"Tell you what, meet me here at midnight and I'll show you something."She whispered before she placed her hand on my shoulder which made me look at her suspiciously and nod my head.

"Xai darling. It's time to go."

I looked up at the entrance of the hut and spotted my mom who looked at Master Kei suspiciously but gave me a smile as she reached out for me, I looked at Master Kei and gave her a smile before I jogged towards my mother.

"How was training?"she asked as we walked towards the palace.

When we got to the North Pole my mother had fallen in love with the royal guard who convinced his king that it would be a good idea to let us stay in the palace with them and to also allow my mother to be a royal guard as well since she was good at combat skills, that is how I met Princess Yue.

Yue and I got along almost immediately when I arrived at the North Pole and we are inseparable, she taught me about royalty etiquette. Yue was the only person that knew about me being the Avatar.

"It wasn't bad. I still want to learn real bending."I mumbled as I looked down at where all the boys would trained to become soldiers and water benders.

I knew some water bending because I simply took my fire bending techniques and used water instead which worked successfully but I needed to be taught by a real water bending master but the only good master in the village refused to teach females because he believed that water bending should be taught to warriors.

"You will learn eventually my love. You just have to persuade that old man."I nodded before I linked my arms with my mother which made her palace a kiss on my forehead.


"Are you listening, Xai? You seem...lost."Yue said as she placed a hand on mine which made me shake my hand and give her a smile.

"No, no tell me more about your wedding arrangements. I feel so selfish." I said as I gave her a small smile which made her frown in response instead.

"I've known you since we were 10 years old, I know when my best friend isn't feeling okay, what is going on?"she asked one more time which made me shrug and look down.

"Yue I'm scared. How am I going to do this all alone, why was I picked? I don't get it. The world is depending on me, they've been waiting for me for a hundred years and here I am a young teenage girl that only knows how to fire bend, where do I even begin?"I mumbled as I looked out at the distance but Yue grabbed my attention by pulling me into a hug in which I sank into immediately.

"You will know everything you need to know, alright. You don't need to stress. I will be with you every step of the way, cheering you on."I giggled as I nodded and pulled away from the hug with a small smile.

"Now tell me about the dream you had."I rolled my eyes as I nodded before I began my tale.

"Master Kei, Master K--"

"I'm here sweetheart, shh."she said which made me nod and follow her far away from the city, it was a long walk but we arrived at an empty place.

"This is an old room they barely use. We can use it for our training."Master Kei said which made me look at her confusingly but then when she got into a defensive stance she made me jump back and do the same.

"I'll show you a couple of tricks I've learned over the years, honey."Master Kei said which made me nod excitedly.


I woke up in a middle of the forest once again, I sighed as I crawled towards the water that was in front of me and looked at my reflection.

" Avatar, huh?"I mumbled as I stared at my reflection, I then noticed that there was somebody behind me and it was the little boy I had been seeing for the past few weeks.

" You! Who are you?"I asked as I stared at the little boy, he looked like he was about 12 years old, he didn't respond he just stared at me in confusion.

"Can't talk?"I asked as I stood up and stared him down but he looked up at me innocently which made me sigh heavily.

"Maybe you reincarnated into me?"I asked as I stared at the boy but he simply shook his head and pointed, I looked at the direction he was pointing in and noticed a figure which made me squint my eyes to have a good look.

It was an old man and it looked like he was wearing fire nation attire, I didn't know why but I walked forward, I was just drawn to him but I forgot about the little river and fell inside, I was sinking.

I held my breath as I sank, in the water I saw the boy surrounded by a huge ice berg, I swam towards him and punched the ice berg with all my might to help him which made the ice berg slowly crack open and I noticed that the boy was glowing.

I swam towards him to touch him and when I almost touched him he opened his eyes which made me flinch in fright.

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