09: The Avatar State

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"Yue! Yue we did it!"I yelled as I looked around the crowd, I looked up at the chief and realized he was upset which made my heart sink.

"Where's Yue?"I asked as I rushed towards my mom with a small smile, but she didn't return it, I looked at Sokka and Katara beside her who had the same somber look.

"Where is she?"I asked as I looked around once again only to be given saddened looks.

"Yue? No, no. No."I mumbled as I began to cry and I was about to run to the oasis but Sokka held me back "Sokka let me go! She was my best friend! Yue!"

"Xai, she's gone. She had to save the spirit of the fish. She told me to tell you that she loves you and she asked me to protect you."I shook my head as I struggled in Sokka's grasp trying to run towards the oasis.

"No, we were supposed to find my master with her, no. Yue!"I yelled once again and stopped struggling before I fell down to my knees which made Katara hug me almost immediately.

"We can still save her."I mumbled into Katara's shoulder as I began to sob harder.

"Xai. Look at me."

I frowned and obeyed as I looked up at my mother, she tried her best to keep a straight face but the tears kept falling. She gave me a small smile and caressed my hair.

"This is your chance now. Go with Aang. You both can teach each other."My mom said as she hugged me tightly.

"What about you?"I asked as I looked up at her whilst wiping my tears away.

"I'll stay here. Here, take Yue's necklace she asked me to give you this so you could remember her."My mom said as she placed her necklace in my hand, I smiled and wrapped it around

"Chief Anoork would like to speak to you."I nodded as I walked up to where the Chief was I smiled as he and stood next to him.

"The spirits gave me a vision when Yue was born. I saw a beautiful brave young woman become the moon spirit. I knew this day would come."he said as he sighed heavily.

"You must be proud of her."I said as I looked up at him with a small smile.

"I'm so proud and very sad."he said as he looked up at the moon which made me look up as well.

"Everytime you miss her. You must just talk to her, she will always be there."he said as he placed his hand on my shoulder which made me look at his hand before looking up at his face.

"I should be saying that to you. She was your daughter." I said as I gave him a small smile.

"Thank you, for being her greatest friend, almost as if a sister for her and a daughter for me. Travel safely Xai and I hope the moon and ocean spirit guide you on your adventure. Good luck. Avatar Xai." He hugged me once last time making me smile and embrace him in return.

"Your mother would like to speak to you."he muttered making me turn to see my mom with a bright smile on her face.

"You've come such a long way."she muttered as she placed her hand on my cheek.

"You are the reason why I have come this far, otherwise I wouldn't even be here."I responded as I leaned into her hand before I kissed it.

"Be careful please. Take care of yourself the way I used to take care of you. Not everyone out here is as good as you are, Xai. Protect yourself and everyone around you."she responded making me nod my head.

"Of course. This is my destiny. I promise to come back to you, just promise me you will be here to welcome me with a huge party."I joked making her chuckle with tears running down her face before she pulled me into a tight embrace.

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