chapter four

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Sage's POV

Waking up, and looked at the time it was almost 10:00, I didn't have to work so it was just me ah shit I forgot about the guy on my couch. Walking out "Are you up?" Turning the corner there was no one on the couch I looked around and no one was in the apartment, I convinced myself that all last night was a dream or something like that. Until I found a note on the counter.

'Thank You'

That's all it said, what the actual hell I mean I am not surprised that he left. I flipped it to the back and my face dropped.

'I took your car'

You have to be fucking kidding, mean I help him and he steals my car what kind of shit is this, let's be honest I had that coming not that I'm defending him, it not like it wasn't a good car, besides crashing it, it was the one I got in high school from my mom and Nic in was a four-door, 2012 honda civic nothing special. She was still my car, by she I meant "Pearl' yes I named my car she was white and shined like a pearl so it was fitting. I was going to exchange her but then last night happened and well there was no exchanging. I could always get a new car but that is kind of a hassle. All I know is when I see Marco and his stupid face again I am going to give him a piece of my mind.

After hours passed I was still pissed and didn't want to be lazy anymore, so I decided to go to my favorite place or second favorite which was this gym/boxing ring called "MVP Palace." It was only a couple of blocks so I decided to go for a run. Once I got in there the stench of sweat and blood hit me, all this pent-up anger including things I've been holding in is about to come out. I saw Larry, the owner he was in his mid-forties maybe 48 years old, and he spotted me and hugged me. "Wow, I must have seen a ghost, Sage is that you" I smile at him, I haven't been here in a week I used to come every Saturday or Sunday, but with helping my brother move, working almost every day, and school. I got really busy. " Oh come on it has only been a couple of weeks" he chuckled " Ya and you left me with these two idiots." There stood Deacon and Oliver, they were friends with my brother and went to the same college as me. Luke was Oli's older brother so that is how we met and this place.

"Hey, doll, where have you been", "I have been super busy, today is the only free day before I have to go back to work, and with finals coming up it's going to be hell" I gave them a quick chuckle, "Ya but then comes graduation thank god" Deacon chimed in "We are free!" We all laughed, it was true we were graduating so soon, it felt like these years had passed. With my bachelor's in neurobiology, after college, I would be attending medical school hopefully.

"So are y'all going to just stand there or get to work '' Larry gave a quick smirk, we nodded and got to work. I decided to start with a workout but got more frustrated as my mind kept thinking of all the people that have walked out on me, or died who I basically killed. I mean I didn't give a second thought and told them to pull the plug, even at that I wasn't even there when he took his last breath. I was consumed with guilt even though it wasn't my fault or was it, I mean science prevailed and he was brained dead so there was no recovering right? It was impossible, right? "SAGE" Oli called out my name snapping out of my thoughts " I called your name like five times, are you going to get in the ring, we can spare" he knew I didn't like to talk about how I felt or anything sappy like that, so he never bothered to push me told me that when I was ready he would be their all three of them. The third is Loreile, Deacon's girlfriend and a close friend of mine. They met through me and as soon as they saw each other they fell in love.

I walked into the ring happy as ever, I was pretty good at hand-to-hand combat, I took self-defense and started practicing with my brother, and still do this to this day, it was the only thing that could get me out of my head sometimes. I was going against this guy named Jordan, Larry's grandson I think I can't remember but he was a cool guy all around.

The bell rang, and that's when it started he threw a jab which I blocked, and with his other hand he punched me right in the gut. He was pretty good as well, I held my stomach and smirked, raising my hands. I threw a punch just as a distraction and hit him right in the face. I knew he would try to back me in a corner so I stepped forward only to be hit in the stomach with another coming at me I blocked it, but it still hurt like a bitch. 

I got hit in and he let out a hiss, hitting him again and again, he blocked some but not all the punches I threw at him. Before the bell rang he threw one more at me. I blocked it, putting my leg behind him and pushing him, he then fell right when the bell rang. I had a smirk on my face and walked out.

It was around four when I finally left, Oli offered me a ride which I happily accepted. He didn't live far from me, maybe a ten-minute drive. "Hey do you think since my place is on the way to campus if you could pick me up" he looked at me confused "Someone stole my car so now I can't get anywhere" I got nervous to tell him the truth, I would get a bunch of crap for it too "Oh shit for real?" I gave him a smug look and he just chuckled "I will give you gas money" he laughed "No I don't want your money to consider it gratitude for always helping me in class." I laughed and nodded. He dropped me off, I walked into my apartment.

My jaw dropped, I stood there frozen and within two seconds I was enraged. Someone broke into my apartment, everything was trashed, pillow stuffing was everywhere, and my clothes, plus the broken plates, it was trashed. It looked like Thing One and Thing Two had trashed it. I quickly went straight for my gun in my drawer. My brother and I had gotten one just in case, we knew how to use it and went to the shooting range now and then. I walked around pointing it every time I turned a corner. It was like a scene in Criminal Minds or some shit. I searched but there was no one, the place was empty. It took me hours before I was finally finished cleaning and picking up random things. I saw this picture shattered of me, my dad, and Emilio. I stuffed it in a drawer and never gave it a thought.

When I was done it was already seven, I had ordered some pizza, and garlic breadsticks, with a chocolate cookie cake from Pizza Hut, and had to get all those calories back. I jumped in the shower right after I got done ordering my meal. The water was just the right temperature so I scrubbed all the sweat off, and washed my hair and body with this floral scent, I finished hopped out but an oversized shirt that had Spiderman on it and some comfy grey shorts with fuzzy socks. I was just waiting for my pizza at this point. The doorbell rang and I jumped up in excitement, opening the door and counting my money "25 bucks" I handed it to the guy and happily took my pizza told him to keep the change, and closed the door. I practically devoured most of the pizza saving room for dessert.

After that I decided I needed sleep, it was a very long day and this next week was going to be a hassle so I hopped into bed with my gun on my nightstand, just in case, along with that I also blocked my door with a chair. I guess you could say I was a little paranoid. When I felt secure enough I got a text, looking at it. No emotion.

'Sorry for your apartment'


Damn, Sage is a beast no doubt about it. 

Who trashed the apartment? I mean it could be Marco or maybe some other people. Who knows I guess you will have to toon in to find out



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