chapter forty-six

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Sage's POV

I drove around for 30 minutes, in silence. It was around 3:30 pm, I didn't know what I was doing. In this time, I went back through memories and how much I have changed.

I am not talking about money, but myself. How far I have come since the day we met. He is the love of my life but sometimes he thought I was someone who worked for him, how he ordered me around which was true I did work for him.

I don't know, I just am thinking too much, we separated our work and home life. He listened to me and I would listen to him.

Here we are, my old home. I parked in the same spot as I used to, I kept my apartment. I couldn't let it go quite yet plus I had renewed my lease.

I walked up, and inside, everything cleaned. I haven't been here in a while, I walked to my room and sat down. When I think of home all that comes up is Marco. I forgot where I was, what I was working towards.

Now I am a killer, in the Mafia. I help those who are on my side and that is it. I changed in both good and bad. I never realized it till today, I know killing sounds like a big deal but you get used to it. It still hurt thinking of all the people I have killed but I had to. Didn't I?

I went to my closet, there were still clothes, and he said he got most of them. Pfff yeah okay. I saw a lot of Loreilli clothes, I should give them back. It was time. I wonder if they still live over here.

I put all her stuff in a box along with Oliver's stuff. Small things like his shirt or keychain I had stolen. They were all a part of my journey to who I am. I am proud of myself, I know my dad is too and Emilio, my mom, Nic, Marco, Larry. LARRY

I haven't seen that old man for a while; we talked over the phone a lot. He helped me pick out the ring for Marco, I was bad at gift-giving. He was honestly something else, he told me he wants an invitation to the wedding.

I packed up everyone's stuff and headed out. We are going to Larry's, the old man misses me I know he did. I grabbed the box, put it in the truck, if they lived over here then Larry would know.

I drove to the gym, it was the same as always. I had to put the gun away literally, I always had on me, tucked behind me. I got out and walked toward the door.

Opening the aroma of sweat hit me, nothing at all changed. My heels clicked on the floor, "Larry" I tapped his shoulder. He turned around, eyeing me "Sage?" I laughed and nodded "One and only old man" he pulled me in for a hug, it hurt but I couldn't explain how I got shot so I held it in.

"I have missed you so much, it was like you went missing" I laughed "Nope, too cool to go missing" he looked me up and down "You look different, in a good way of course." Jordan approached

His eyes widened "Who knew Sage could clean up so nice" my cheeks lit up, attention was not my thing. He also pulled me into a hug "You know at first I didn't think it was you" I laughed "What changed"

"Gramps said Sage, where did you go" oh you know casual coma "I went on a short vacation" he shrugged "You still fight" he punched my shoulder "Still could kick your ass" he laughed "Not possible"

Still a pain in the ass "Well I guess we would have to test that out one day" I smiled. This was nice being here with Larry, old times really made me feel something. "What brings you here, certainly not to work out" he fired his eyebrow

"I have some of Lorilli stuff, and Oliver so I was wondering if they still lived around here" he looked surprised "We have a lot to talk about huh?" I looked a little confused "Sit"

I smiled nervously "When you left, well everything was normal I guess you could say. They came all the time, had good jobs. They all did good, Deacon and Lorilli even got married. They still are, don't live too far. Oliver comes when he can, uhm I don't know exactly where he lives but Deacon will know. They fell off for a little but now are close as ever"

He continued to fill me in on everyone's life. Oliver has a girlfriend now, Larry says he is happy and doing good. I am happy for them all, he gave me their addresses and said that maybe they will be together and they live close to each other.

Of course, they did, he also said Oliver moved but came back after a little. He is working as a resident, he went into medicine. After talking about everything, I told him about me and Marco how we are doing.

"Well I have to get back to running this place, call me and I still want an invitation" referring to my wedding. We had a fight but it will get resumed, nothing that can't be fixed.

I said bye to everyone, Jordan told me 'to be ready next time I come' he was a big shit talker. I didn't have anyone's number on my phone, since I switched phone numbers and everything.

I didn't know if I should go right now or another day, then I decided to go today because if I went home I would be bored out of my mind. I started to drive and got lost for a second, this place isn't too far maybe a 20-minute drive.

Eventually making my way there after getting lost twice, stupid GPS was dumb. Tch. "Arrived" now you speak. Asshat. It was not a small house, it was nice. It fits them, I laughed because I am currently scared, we haven't talked in almost seven-eight months maybe. I think.

I messed with my ring and decided now is the best time, there were cars in the driveway. I got out and opened up my trunk. I heard a door open "Marissa" who is Marissa, oh they think it is me. I grabbed the stuff and closed the trunk.

I walked closer, there was Oliver. He grew a small beard, got a little muscle. Looked like a hot doctor on the show. Still not my type of course. He looked a little confused "Oli" his face dropped "Sage" 

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