chapter forty-three

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Marco's POV

2 months past

"Amore hello" I kiss her head she finally got off the machines a couple of weeks ago, which doc said was a good thing. Any day now. I completely shut down the American Mafia.

People try to build it back up slowly but every time they appear I put an end to them. They hurt Sage, I would stop at nothing to kill all of them. "Today was a little rough, every day is rough but today. I am trying Sage, to be positive. It is hard"

"I wish you were here amore, I love you so much. I have to go now sorry this was short. Work am I right." I smile, kiss her again. She looks so peaceful, she is just sleeping.

"Ma how are you feeling?" she smiled "I am okay figlio stop asking the same question how is Sage" I shrugged "The same as yesterday and the day before." I went to the liquor tray and poured some and sipped it.

"When was the last time you had a proper sleep?" I looked up "Don't worry about me, I am fine." I siped the rest of my drink and left. To the warehouse, we go. Brianna got released a month ago, I can't look at her or be in the same room.

Rezo gives her orders if she needs to do something. How is it that she made it out and Sage is still trying to get here. I just don't know how much longer I can go with this. I smile only for Sage.

"EVERYONE" they all looked at me in fear "Sparing starts today, we are ranking to see how much you all have progressed" Rezo was right behind me. Elizabeth was in the crowd, she and Rezo are together now, or have been for the past two months.

I started to walk around, whispers spread like always by girls, none of them even close to Sage. "Wonder if he is single" I kept walking "Boss could you show me how exactly to do this" she was at the punching bag "If you can't throw even throw a FUCKING PUNCH THEN GET THE FUCK OUT" she lowered her head.

People are fucking stupid. I walked out, they are not worth the time. I walked up to my office, grab another drink. Fill out some paperwork and stay there all day. I try to concentrate. All I can think about is Sage.

Her brown eyes would light up when they hit the sun, or how her smile would light up a whole room.

How she would skip up and down the halls being a weirdo.

The outfits she put together whether it was formal or her in baggy clothes.

And my shirt on her small little body.

I threw my glass to the wall, I stood up and threw everything and anything. Smashed glass, paintings, threw the desk. EVERYTHING, this would happen every month. Sometimes multiple times.

"Marco" Rezo was at the door "I know it's hard and you miss her, she wouldn't want this" I walked up to him "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS LIKE I LOVED HER" tears slipped out, I was in pain. I deserve every bit of it.

"All of this if I just stopped her" he patted my shoulder "I am sorry" he just stood there, after a while, he walked out. I finished my work in the conference room. Once I was done I went home, like always.

I was in the car, sitting. I didn't really want to go home, I loved Sage but i- seeing her like that just doesn't help. I am trying to stay strong for everyone. For her.

I opened up the glove box, it has photos in here. I look at them as if they were Sage as a baby, she was cute. I smiled knowing our future kids will have good genes. I chose to keep it a secret from everyone.

I know Sage would want to be there. I stumbled on one with her and her dad. She looked so happy, smiling like there was no tomorrow. I decided to go visit him, Sage allowed me to go a while ago. Her family doesn't know about her being in a coma. We should at least tell her dad.

I drove to the cemetery, parked trying to remember where he was located. I found a noticeable cross that was fucking huge. He was close to the cross. There he is.

"Hello Silis, long time. I should tell you that Sage is in a coma. She got shot on a mission, I told her not to come, she insisted. I didn't even get to ask her to marry me. I know I asked you last time we talk, I hope I have your blessing. I do love her. So much."

Sitting down, look at his stone, terrified if the next stone would be hers. Tears came flowing down, I cried. "I lover her so much" looking up at the sky "If you see her, send her back to me please. Send her back, we haven't build a life of our own."

I pulled out the note she had written to me, 'We are proof of how much people can change' that will always stick with me. She, Sage, was the love of my life and I will not let her go. "She has changed me, making me see the good in everything. From the first time I saw her, I knew she would be in my life forever." 

I patted down his stone and left. Home here we come. 

people can changeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora