chapter eleven

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Sage's POV

A couple of days passed, after he left that night my mind drifted off to what the hell was going on with me. I am supposed to not like him. He is an asshole, rude, has lots of attitude problems and the list can continue yet when he touches me it's like my body is on fire, wanting more. The thing is I hate being touched, especially from behind, or when people surprise you.

Honestly, I have been avoiding him at all costs, I've ignored his calls and texts. I don't want to be mean but I don't do relationships, they are too complicated and you have to open up, or 'communicate' as they call it with each other. I am bad at both those things, I've been down this road and everyone has either left or died so I chose not to feel.

Today I don't have work. Well, I do but at like 5 pm to 12 am, I wasn't supposed to work but I'm covering for this lady, Ella, she is maybe 40 I think her grandson came down with something so, I am covering half her shift.

It's only 2 pm. I have been in bed all day, also ignoring all my friends. I just want to be left alone. I think I am going to go to see Larry or something. He has been with me through everything and I am really thankful for him. Getting ready to actually do something, I decide to run there, walking out and locking the door. I see a rather tall guy looking at his phone, as soon as he sees me he puts it away. I know Marco is in some shady shit, I mean we met because he was shot, and killed guys right in front of me. I am not scared of him, any rational person would be but when he looks at me it's like a reassurance that he is not going to hurt me plus I'll just kick his ass if ever laid a hand on me.

"Sage I presume" he gives me a little smile, ah shit, I am screwed

"Who the hell are you" I refused to show fear, just attitude, he let out a chuckle

"Marco wanted to give this to you, and check up on you" He handed me some flowers and a note

I didn't know if you were alright so I sent my brother Rezo to check up on you, also I hope you like the flowers.


A smile appeared on my face, I couldn't help it. The flowers were so cute it was a meadow blue and white bouquet, wrapping around them with a white bow to hold everything together. This was a nice gesture, and no one has ever given me flowers. I just keep thinking in the back of my mind 'Would it be so bad to be in a relationship' to have someone that is just yours but then I have a louder voice in my head telling me being alone would be better in the long run, less hurt and worry about the person. I mean again we met because he was SHOT.

"I am assuming you are Rezo" I looked up and he just nodded, he seemed closed off. I unlocked my door and put the flowers in a vase, they will probably die but it's worth a shot. "You can come in if you want" he walks in nonetheless. "So does he do this for all the girls he intends to sleep with" a smile appeared on his face. "Sage, correct" I nodded "Marco doesn't do this with girls he fucks, he likes you which isn't something that has ever happened" I was shocked, I didn't know how to respond so instead I just put my head down "Do you like him" my head shot up, I felt my face heating up

"I and relationships don't go together" he shot me a glare

"Why is that" I gave him an odd-looking face, why does everyone in his family ask so many questions?  

"It's simple, you end up relying on that person, trusting that person and they leave just like that, no point to it, less worrying too" he just sighed putting a hand over his forehead 

"Who broke your heart to believe that" he kept his composer, but I on the other hand just gave him a blank stare

"No one it's just common sense" he got a call, and he was walking towards the door

"I have to go, there are cons in being in a relationship, but sometimes the good outweighs the bad" he gave me a half smile, it looks like he doesn't do that often, and left without another word.

He was right, but I am too fucked up for someone to love or care for. I can't let myself love someone else because losing them would be a pain and there wasn't much more I could take. I just need to get out of my head, gym it is. Running to the gym was refreshing. I was outside staring in, and I am now contemplating whether I should go in or not, I mean it would be nice to fight but Oli is there and so is Loreili and Deacon all smiling and laughing. I don't feel like smiling though I just want to punch something or someone. I decided to go in, the worst they could do was ask me if I was okay. Then I'll respond with 'I'm fine' because I don't want to burden them with my problems. In we go. yay.


this part is a little slow


people can changeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें