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Hayes had never been to the police headquarters before and she could confidently say she never wanted to again. It was a loud, intimidating place with people walking around everywhere you looked. She kept close to Glen as Stephen escorted them through the lobby and into a conference room equipped with a long table and rolling chairs.

Her fists were clenched tight hidden by the long sleeves of her sweatshirt to hide her slightly tremoring fingers. After Stephen verbally confirmed her and Glen's assumption that this mess involved the dead body, it was a whirlwind of events. Hayes had retreated back into her quiet self, shell-shocked by the information whereas Glen understandably freaked out, throwing question after question at Stephen without receiving any answers in return. After finally getting Glen to calm down a little, Stephen directed them into their bedroom to each pack a to-go bag to take to the Rayon home where'd they be staying for emergency placement. This action also served as a distraction for the kids from watching the officers comb through the house for any evidence.

But before they could go to the Rayon home, Stephen brought them to the precinct for a quick detour. The detectives assigned to the case wanted to ask the kids some questions. After finding out that there were children involved in Vincent Merling's life, the detectives had a new angle to work with. Having had no luck thus far in their search, they were hoping that Glen and Hayes could give them their grandfather's location or at least provide some ideas.

Stephen closed the door after Glen and Hayes shuffled in, instantly quieting the room from the outside noise.

"Take a seat, guys." Stephen sat down in his own chair, rubbing his face. A wave of exhaustion had just hit him.


"Please, Glen," he indicated to the chairs. When Stephen woke up this morning he did not imagine this was how his day was going to go. Who have thought that the primary suspect for the murder investigation would be the grandfather of two kids near and dear to his heart. He could only hope he had the strength to help these kids get through the hell they were about to face.

Glen relented, falling into a chair causing it to spin around three times before settling down. Hayes followed his lead taking her own seat, quickly pulling her legs to her chest.

Before anything else was said, the door was pushed open again as two more people filed into the room.

"Hello kids, I'm Detective Noah and this is Ms. Lory, she's a child advocate." A man with a friendly smile introduced them, both taking their own seats across the table from Glen and Hayes. Stephen was situated at the head of the conference table. "I'm sure you have a bunch of questions right now and received no answers yet."

He paused, waiting for confirmation. Glen nodded.

"I'll be glad to try to answer them for you in a moment, but first I'd like to talk to you guys, if that's alright?"

Glen nodded again.

"Excellent. While we talk, Ms. Lory's job here is to make sure that what goes on in the room is in your best interest, okay? If at any point you want to stop, she'll make sure we stop."

"Are we in trouble?" Glen didn't really understand why they wanted to talk to him and Hayes some more. They had already been questioned by the officers back at the house.

"No, no not at all, Glen. In fact, we were hoping that maybe you'll be able to help us." Detective Noah said.

"Help you? With what?"

"Well, we'd really like to talk with your grandfather, Vincent," Detective Noah folded his hands. "Do you know where he may be?"

"No, sir."

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