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Hayes, age 4:

"Mama, can we get ice cream?" Hayes bounced up and down in her seat. She was getting impatient, having to be in her car seat this whole time. Anyone who knew Hayes knew that she did not like to sit still. She was the perfect example for endless energy.

Mama and Hayes were currently waiting in the car for Dakota to be done with his travel soccer practice. Usually Mama would make the trip by herself, leaving Hayes at home with the rest of her brothers, but Colton was busy studying for a big test he had the following day and she didn't want Hayes to be an additional distraction. Glen and Francis had been easily entertained by television and Emerson was at his own sports practice and would be dropped off at home by a teammate. Unlike her brothers, Hayes was a Velcro baby through and through and it was her three eldest brothers who she attached too.

It felt like they've been there forever and ever, in Hayes time. In reality, it had only been 15 minutes.

"I don't know baby, it's almost time for bed." Mama sighed. It was approaching 8pm. She was beyond exhausted dealing with 6 kids all day on top of experiencing one of her sad moods. It was typical for her around the 4 month mark of her husband's deployment. She missed her husband.

"Oh please, please, please, pleaseeeee!" Hayes clasped her hands in prayer. "Mama please! Good girl, I am!"

Hayes' mother laughed, releasing some stress from her shoulders. Hayes had a special talent for lightening the mood. "How about this, Honey: You can ask Kota when he gets in the car, okay? He might be too tired for ice cream."

Hayes blew a raspberry. What blasphemy. Who could ever be too tired for ice cream?

The backseat door next to Hayes opened and a sports bag was tossed across her lap onto the seat next to her. Hayes squealed in excitement at the site of her brother. "Kota, Kota guess what!"

Dakota bent into the car to look at the giggly 5 year old. "Chicken butt."

She rapidly shook her head side to side. "Nooooo Kota! This is matter serious! Mama said we get ice cream but, but you have to say yes so please yes ice cream! Yes yes yes!"

Dakota blinked, taking in that rapid fire.

"Hayes, let him get in the car first." Mama stepped in.

"Sounds like we have an ice cream date." Dakota winked at Hayes before shutting the backdoor and getting into the passenger seat.

Hayes cheered. "Oh yes! I knew he'd say yes! I told you! Mama we're getting ice cream!" She kicked her legs back and forth, accidently hitting Dakota's seat.

He turned around to face her, a playful glare on his face. "That was mean."

Not afraid of him, Hayes stuck her tongue out and kicked his chair again. This time Dakota was prepared. He grabbed her foot and began tickling her leg. "Little Miss Sunshine is gonna be tickled to death if she doesn't stop."

Hayes broke out into giggles, "Sorry, I sorry! Stop!"

"Seatbelt please" Mama reminded Dakota.

"Yes ma'am." Dakota released her leg, turning around in his seat to buckle up.

"Alright, let's go get some ice cream."


911, what is the address of your emergency?

       Please! Send help, oh my God. He, he drove right into them. The car rolled over!

Can you tell me where you are?

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