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"I can't breathe."

Colton led Glen into the kitchen, forcing him down onto the chair. "Yes, you can Smiley. Deep breaths for me."

"Cole," Glen couldn't get the words out, making him even more panicked. His hands were shaking as he tugged on his shirt, as if that would help him get air in.

"Shh, you're okay," Colton gently guided Glen's head down between his knees. His long fingers wrapped around Glen's wrist, feeling his racing pulse. "That's it, just breathe, buddy." The kid was panicking big time.

The front door slammed shut, alerting Colton that Dakota and Hayes made it inside. Well, hopefully it was them. His focus had been on removing Glen from the situation, leaving Hayes in Dakota's capable hands. He could only hope that Dakota was also capable of being the bigger person and not escalating the situation.

"What the...?" Francis entered the kitchen at the same time as his other siblings. He had been in the shower, missing the chaos that just occurred outside. He was beyond confused right now.

"She left." Dakota said to Colton, giving Francis no context as he sat down at the breakfast nook across from Glen. He tugged Hayes onto his lap. She remained silent besides the occasional sniffle as her tears slowed down. She leaned back against his chest, her eyes never straying from Glen's body. "He okay?"

Glen had never freaked out like that before. It was like a demon had possessed him. Kind of freaked Dakota out, if he was honest with himself.

"Panic attack, but he'll be fine," Colton replied, running his fingers fondly through Glen's hair. His breathing had already drastically improved from just a minute ago. "Good job, Smiley, slow down." Colton spoke softly.

"Will somebody please explain?" Francis asked. He didn't like not being in the know and he was already upset over the fact that Glen and Hayes ran off by themselves. They could have at least taken him with them, or involved him somehow. But yet again, it was the kids against the brothers.

Francis was frustrated because Glen seemed to keep forgetting that they weren't the only ones affected by this. Everyone sitting in the kitchen was affected.

Waking up one day to find out your little brother and sister were missing. That your mother ran off. That was what Francis had to deal with.

Every day asking himself why didn't mom take him, too? Didn't she love him?

He didn't have the luxury of forgetting. No, day after day he was reminded that he no longer had two of his best friends with him.

Missing. But never presumed dead.

The false hope was killer.

A never-ending nightmare that he lived every. Single. Day.

So yes, he was frustrated and angry and high-key annoyed at Glen right now.

But damn, he also was so concerned for him. Glen looked like he went through the wringer.

"Lotte was here." Colton answered, glancing over his shoulder at Francis who stood behind him.

"Is she still here?" He looked around as if expecting her to be in the kitchen, too.

"Fuck no," Dakota responded, "Good riddance, too. Hope she never fucking comes back."

"No more talking about her right now." Colton gave Dakota a look to shut his trap. He didn't need Glen to be triggered again.

Dakota put his hands up in mock surrender before wrapping them around Hayes' stomach. Although the heat was on in the car, the girl was still cold to touch. No wonder she was always wearing their sweatshirts, the girl got cold so easily.

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