Chapter 22: The Picnic Part Two

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Clare's POV:

Mitch and I walked together through the dense forest. I was very glad to have worn Nike's and shorts and a tank top. My dark hair was wrapped loosely in a bun with a black elastic tied around it. We walked for a mile or so, before Mitch took my hand in his and lead me to a clearing.

Something surprised me though.

I heard running water, no, more like crashing water. Mitch smiled brightly, before I saw a beautiful waterfall. It crashed loudly against the rocks below it. I noticed that there was no path leading into where we were now. I'm guessing Mitch discovered it.

"Am I the only person you've ever brought here?", I asked, astonished by the view.

"Yes. The only person I've ever brought here. I was just as amazed when I discovered it last year.", Mitch looked over and smiled proudly.

I melted at his flashy smile. How did I get a mate as perfect as him? I smiled back because I couldn't help myself and then I crashed into his chest. As his strong, secure arms wrapped protectively around me, I felt safer than I've ever felt before. He rested his head on mine as we eliminated all of the space between us. I breathed in his scent, which was still breathtakingly addictive.

Roses and honey.

The exact scent of the day I met Mitch.

Every pair of mates has a different combination of scents that make their mate irresistible.

Neither one of us pulled away first, together we let go and continued walking towards the waterfall.

"Would you like to have lunch on the rocks down by the shore?", Mitch extended his hand and I took it, letting our hands fit together like a puzzle.

Mitch and I walked carefully together down to the rocks a little bit away from the waterfall. I'm glad we didn't sit directly around the waterfall because we wouldn't be able to hear each other.

We climbed onto a very large, flat rock that extended over half of the creek.

It was absolutely perfect in every single form.

Mitch set the basket down after laying down a white sheet and together we sat down on the sheet.

"I'm not a very good cook, but I happen to know that you love Subway and your favorite sandwich is the BLT on Italian bread with lettuce and tomato.", and then, Mitch pulled out a foot long Subway sandwich that smelled amazing.

In reply, I leaned over and kissed Mitch.

"I'm going to take that as good reaction", Mitch smiled.

Together, we ate our tasty Subway sandwiches, trailing a few kisses here and there.

Afterwards, we had two chocolate bars.

"This has been the best date that I've could've ever imagined. Thanks, Mitch.", I said after we had eaten and cleaned up.

"This dates not over yet." Mitch smirked.

"Really?", I smirked back.

Mitch stood up, leaving the basket on the rock with the sheet.

Mitch pointed at the setting sun, "We can't see it through the trees. Would you like to take a run with me?", Mitch held his hand out again. I took it and we ran back up to higher ground, away from the waterfall.

"What about the basket?" I asked.

"It's okay. And my boys can get the truck in the morning.", Mitch smiled.

We undressed and tucked our clothes in a hollow tree.

Together, we shifted into our contrasting colored wolves.

Tris hadn't been running in a few weeks. I'm sure Zeus hadn't either. We ran together, weaving through trees and jumping bushes, letting the wind run through our thick, long fur.

I yipped into the sky, dashing along side Mitch's wolf.

We slowed as we came to a meadow. I was so glad that winter was over and the snow had melted. The long grass swayed in the field and wild flowers grew here and there.

Mitch and I sat down (still as wolves) and watched the sun set. The fading blues, yellows, oranges, and reds fall over the horizon. Then, the stars brightly glow along the night sky.

As we sat together, side by side, just enjoying Canada's atmosphere, Mitch turned to me and licked my cheek.

We sat there staring at each other for awhile, mesmerized by our simpleness and our beauty. I think I even saw a tear roll down Mitch's fur on his cheek.

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