Chapter 12: Old Friend

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HELLO ! I'M BACK! Whoa, food poisoning sucks, anyways enjoy the chapter, you've suffered enough. :) 

Clare's POV: 

Oh crap. I swore silently to myself, praying that the person below me, was friendly. 

Ha. Oh wait, this is Cold Creek territory. 

The voice belonged to a male, I could obviously figure that out. I couldn't figure out who it was though. 

"Look, I know you're up there, now come down before I get you forcefully.", the voice demanded. 

I cringed. I guess eventually, I was going to have to return. 

"Will you hurt me?", I asked praying. 

"No, I can tell you're not a rogue.", he said. 

"Okay, I'm coming down." 

I trembled as I climbed down the unsteady latter, placing each foot carefully and fearfully. I faced away from the boy the entire time until the last step, when I turned around. 

"Will?", I asked still shaking. 

"Hey there, Clare." Will greeted and his arms wrapped around me. 

"I had to come back..I know Luke will attack if I didn't come back, but I couldn't risk Mitch or his own pack being hurt." I said quietly.

"Clare, you shouldn't of came back, Luke is going to make your life hell. I can't let you go back to our pack house, I'm sorry. Clare, do you have a death wish?" Will let go and put his hands on my shoulders. 

"Blood Lust is my pack, and always will be. I'll do anything to protect them." I stated. 

"But you're the Luna! The pack would've been safer with you there! Don't you realize how insane your mate must be going?! Mitch is the soon-to-be Alpha, if he's crazy without you, what good is he to the pack?" 

Then, it clicked. 

"Oh my god, what did I do Will? Mitch is probably tearing apart the forest looking for me." I said, tears growing in my eyes. 

"Clare, go.", Will hugged me tight quickly before pushing me away in the direction I came from. 

"Only if you come with me." I said. I couldn't leave Will behind to such an abusive pack. 


"No! They've treated you like shit here, you don't deserve this!", I yelled. 

"Alright, let's go then. Jack his probably training the pack by now." Will said. 

A branch snapped behind us. I quickly turned around to see Jack, Ben, (another beta), and Luke. 

"Clare, run!" Will yelled before shifting into his chocolate brown wolf. I shifted into my white wolf and together we took on Jack and Ben. Of course Luke stood around enjoying the action filled view in front of his. 

Lazy jerk. I thought before Ben pounced on my back, biting into my shoulder blade. 

I grunted before shaking him off, Ben fell onto the ground, but quickly got back up. Ben and I circled each other, waiting on the other to bite first. 

Of course, impatient Ben did, completely missing as I dodged swiftly to the right. Ben, stumbling over, fell onto his back. 


I crouched low before springing up onto his stomach. I'm a medium sized wolf but the jump helped out. I stepped hard on his ribs before he let out a whine. I ignored him. Ben had beat me up too. 

"This is the last time before you hurt me or this pack, Bennett." I mind-linked him before sinking my canines into his neck. When he stopped breathing, I let go. I looked over to find Will. Will and Jack were still tumbling around the dirt, I heard the powerful jaws of Jack snap. 

As Jack crouched low, ready to pounce on Will, I jumped onto his back, clawing at his face like crazy. 

Jack shook and shook before finally I let go and fell into an oak tree.  Will snarled and went in for the kill, biting onto the back of Jack's neck. Jack again, shook free and ran off into the forest. 

I turned to see Luke, who wasn't standing anymore. Jack and Luke had both fled. But, Ben was dead and Will and I were alive and barely hurt. 

"Will? Can we leave now?" I asked.

"Why not?" Will laughed before nudging me softly on my muzzle. 

Will and I ran off, never looking back. Together, we jumped over the creek, leaving our past behind us. 

*** A/N ***

Omigod, I'm alive, you're alive (now that I've updated, of course). Should Will's and Clare's friendship continue? Or do you not like Will? I mean, Will and Mia are Clare's only friends. Mitch is her mate...but anyways. Comment what you want to happen to Will. 

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- Lindsey

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