Chapter 10: "Run"

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Clare's POV:

I crashed wildly through the thorn bushes and tripped over the fallen log. Clenching my teeth in pain, I ran on, never stopping once. I tried not to imagine the hurt expression washed over Mitch's face when he woke up, pain drifting through his eyes. Mitch had to understand that Clare was running for the protection of his pack. 

I ran on, dodging trees, jumping bushes and grunting in pain whenever my paw dipped into the ground to much. My white fur had muddy smudges ever where, matted in areas, I notcied as I took a quick drink of water in a nearby stream. 

Mitch hadn't marked me, so I couldn't feel the pain burning my neck as I increased the distance between us. Of course, my heart still ached. I knew that Mitch would order his pack to hunt me down, but to no avail, because I'd be in Cold Creek's border lines by sunrise. 

I was determined not to let anyone of Mitch's pack get hurt because of their needy, new member. Mitch would have to find another Luna, I whined, knowing I would feel if Mitch 'cheated' on me. 

I fell into more bushes but kept running. Then, I jumped, knowing their was a creek, circling the Cold Creek territory. 

As I crossed, I remembered when Joshua took me swimming in this part of the creek. Joshua and I were splashing each other and having a blast .

I quickly disregarded the memory and landed on the other side of the dark, creek. 

I was finally in their territory. 

I stopped in my tracks and rep-remanded myself. 

"Quiet." Tris whispered. 

I took larger strides, but as my paw connected to the ground, I made sure not to crunch the sticks and leaves as loud. I swiftly crouched and stalked towards my old hideout. 

Joshua made it for me, well, we built it together. No one dared to touch it, since Joshua...well, was Joshua. 

I shifted and climbed up the steep latter to the top of the tree. Luke must've burned everything inside. Yet, he missed my clothes that I hid underneath some boxes. I put on the clothes. Of course, every time I changed a size, I came to the tree house and switched the clothes while everyone was at school and work, so the clothes fit. Just a white tank top, black shorts, and black Converse high tops. 

"Hey! Who's up there?!" someone yelled. 

I froze. 

### A/N ###

Muhahahaha, cliffhanger much? Have a stuffing Thanksgiving, and eat as much as you can! Update on Friday. Love ya'll! -Lindsey

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