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And there he was, driving through the empty roads of Beacon Hills.

As pissed off as ever, but at himself more than anything else.  Pissed off that he couldn't even be there for his father, just leaving him in that god-awful hospital bed dazed and confused out of his mind.  Pissed off that he thought coming back was a good idea even if it was for his father.  Pissed off that this whole situation is provoking emotion he hasn't felt in so long, too long, out of him and he hates it.  Pissed off that he's even pissed off about it at all.  All these emotions need to stop.

Thinking about everything that happened he didn't even realize how hard he was clenching his fists around the steering wheel of his car, so much so that his veins became more noticeable than before.  He wasn't even focused on where he was going.  Just away, anywhere that could take his focus off of today's events.

And that was apparently...

Mitch pulled into the half-empty parking lot of, "Best Buy," Mitch deadpanned as he turned off the engine before opening his door, "great."

Mitch walked through the automatic opening doors and went straight to the smartphones section looking for something that could hold him over till he went back to Stan and Irene.  It wouldn't be smart of him to keep using a disposable.

He must've looked lost looking for a phone because a somewhat familiar voice came from behind him asking him if he needed any help.  Mitch didn't look up nor did he turn around to answer the weirdly familiar-voiced stranger before picking out a random phone and asking if he could get it.

"Of course, sir," the familiar voice spoke as he grabbed multiple keys from his waist to unlock the unnecessary amount of locks on the case.  "Here you are, sir."  He mumbled with his head down.

Mitch grabbed the phone from his hand slowly, studying the man in front of him hoping to catch a glimpse of any tell to who he was.  The man looked up slowly and as they both locked eyes a look Mitch couldn't identify crossed his face.  

Now as Mitch looked at his face he knew he'd never seen this man, but the stranger's face stayed in that same look Mitch couldn't identify as he mumbled something that Mitch had to physically strain to hear, "Mitch."

"Do I know you?"  Mitch said to the guy, really annoyed at how he thought his voice sounded familiar but not know his face, he had brown hair a little on the longer side, hazel eyes, and slight stubble, and looked around his exact age.  He looked like he had a rough couple of years.

Right as the weirdly familiar man in front of him was about to answer a voice came on over the loudspeakers stating that they were closing soon and to head over to check-outs.  So that's what he did, leaving the man standing there alone.

When Mitch got to the car he decided to forget about the weird encounter for now and call Kennedy to tell her about his new purchase, and to only have her call him on this phone for emergencies as the phone calls could easily be hacked into and tracked.

Forgetting about the stranger meant thinking about what happened earlier which is exactly what he didn't want at the moment.  The car ride home was unsettlingly quiet.  This was a different type of quiet,  like the quiet when you're pacing around a hospital waiting to hear back good or bad news.  The kind of quiet that makes you nervous for no reason at all.

Not even realizing how much time went by he found himself pulling into the familiar parking lot of the motel.

All that was heard in the emptiness of the motel parking lot was the aggravated slam of a car door.  It was dark, almost dinner time.  Mitch could hear the cricket's annoying chirps as he started towards his motel room.

After closing and locking the door Mitch let out a muffled scream as he punched the wall.  Breathing hard, Mitch stood in the middle of his motel room wondering why the hell he couldn't be there for his father right now when he'd always been there for him in his times of need, which might he add, was a lot.

His thoughts were interrupted when there came a knock at his door.  Mitch looked up from where he stood and slowly walked over to his door and looked through the peephole to see what looked like a motel worker at his door.

He opened the door as much as the chain lock would let him as the man spoke to him about keeping the noise down.

After the worker left he shut the door leaving him in once again, an unsettling silence.

He should do something.  He needs to go back to his father to talk to him and explain as much as he can.  

So that's what he's going to do, tomorrow morning he's going to head down to the hospital and explain as much as possible and not care whether or not he excepts him or not because he didn't need his father all those years back when Katrina died, nor did he need him when he was dealing with the aftermath of the nogitsune.  He turned out just fine.


Words: 894

Sorry, this is so short!  It's more of a filler chapter since midterms are so stressful right now because this year it counts for college.  

Also, should I continue this?

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