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It all kept replaying in her head like a catchy song someone can't stop thinking about, only this was no song, it was a cry for help. But she couldn't do anything about it.

Unaware of what's going on around her, Isaac is freaking out at Mitch, asking him- no more like shouting at him, asking what the hell he did to Lydia.

Mitchs' face washed over with the slightest almost unnoticeable hint of concern for his former crush, whilst Isaac looked like he was about to burst from the concern that was running all over his features.

Guess they got closer since his absence.

"What did you do to her!" Isaac shouted as he backed him and Lydia away from Mitch.

Mitchs' only reply was a squint of the eyes and a small, "I tried to stop her."

"You call that trying to stop her?" Isaac spat out in disbelief, "you call tensing up and reaching for... for a gun trying to stop her?" Isaac countered.

Mitch let out a scoff, "I didn't actually have a gun," he spoke as if he were stating the most obvious thing. That just made Isaacs eyes narrow and eyebrows furrow even more before.

"You Mitch," Isaac pointed to him, "are unbelievable." That was all Isaac said before turning around and lugging what looked like a traumatized Lydia out of one of the side doors Mitch had noticed as he did a quick scanning of his surroundings when he first walked in.

Stan taught him that. Stan seemed to teach him lots of things.

He hadn't noticed how dark it had gotten before looking out the window, how long was he here for?

Mitch was brought from his thoughts as he felt a buzzing in his front pockets, bringing his phone out he checked the caller ID.

It read, 'No Caller ID'

Mitch sighed before answering.

"I told you not to call me from this number," Mitch grumbled.

"Yeah, well, this is important."



"Scott! Scott!" Isaac's voice rang down the empty hospital halls.

Scott and Malia immediately stood up from their spots on the hospital couch, hearing their pack member in distress. The sound of two heartbeats reaching their ears.

Malia took a short whiff of the stale hospital air noticing something off, she looked towards Scott beginning to open her mouth as Scott cut her off, "I know, I smell it too." Scott stated, smelling the anxiety and fear rolling off his betas in waves.

Not wanting to wake Stilinski from his much-needed rest, Malia and Scott rush out the door before his betas reach the door.

Scott skids to a stop as Isaac reaches him with a dazed Lydia in his arms.

"What the hell happened?" Scott all but whispered.

"W-we went to talk to Mitch and I specifically told her it was a bad idea but of course she didn't-"

"Ok ok! Calm down," Scott cut off Isaac's rushed ramble, he wasn't going to learn what happened when Isaac's freaking out, "just- bring her to my house," Scott let out a frustrated sigh as he continued, "I'll call a pack meeting and we'll figure this out ok?" Isaac nodded at this, not trusting his voice at the moment.

As Scott shooed them away his face scrunched up in confusion, Malia's voice telling him they had to go snapping him out of it but not without getting the question nagging his brain out.

"Who the hell is Mitch?" All Malia did was squint her eyes at the wall ahead, not caring enough to respond.


The couple hopped off Scott's new motorcycle, hearing the sound of several other heartbeats coming from their house.

Upon hearing this the couple raced to get inside to find out what happened.

Taking in the sight of his pack members- most of his pack members, they were either standing or sitting on the couches, most of their eyes not leaving Isaac and Lydia, but certain pairs of eyes moved to his.

"Theo," Scott greeted with a slight nod as it was mirrored back to him.

Scotts eyes moved to the other pair he felt on him as he walked in, "Braeden," Scott once again greeted. "Derek with the twins?" Scott smiled a smile that didn't quite meet his eyes.

"Yes, but," Braeden nodded, "I have a feeling we aren't all here to talk about the twins, are we?" Braeden asked moving her eyes from Scotts to the strawberry blonde staring into the space in front of her as Isaac rubbed her back gently.

"No, no we're not," Scott stated simply.

Moving from his standing position near the door, he made his way over to the middle of his living room, taking a moment to look at his pack members.

Looking to his right, Mason and Corey sat, crammed on the love couch. Scott silently chuckling at the sight.
Behind them being Theo and Malia. Malia having been the only one still completely comfortable about standing right next to him, after all, he's done.

Scott's head moved to the left side of the room noticing Liam and Hayden sitting side by side with each other, both engaged in a quiet conversation.
Looking past the two friends, he saw Braeden squinting her eyes at Theo, most likely trying to figure out if he's still a threat or not.

Which he wasn't. Scott made sure Theo learned from his past mistakes and eventually let him into the pack.

Scott then turned to the space in front of him where Lydia and Isaac sat. Noticing the look in Lydia's eyes--having known her for so long--he realized something bigger was going on, and he needed to know.

Having Lydia freaked out over something set almost all of the pack into an anxious state, fearing the worst as their friend only gets like this when death is near.


Wow, this chapter sucked, sorry about the super long wait.

Forgot to do this last time but just a thank you to @ferperez6257 for editing my last few chapters.

Also, go check out their books if you haven't already:)

Words: 1015

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