Chapter 07

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Chapter Seven

A/N: This next scene in this chapter will feature explicit and detailed mature content. If you aren't comfortable reading a sex scene, then I suggest you skip this chapter and read ahead of it. Enjoy reading the ones who will stick around for the sex scene!

By Beyoncé

Hard, rock, steady, rock, hard, rock, steady
Rock, hard, rock, steady , rock, hard, rock, steady

AS LUCAS and I enter his luxurious hotel room, I stop and stare in amazement at the pristine hotel bedroom before me. My twinkling eyes land on a big, comfy bed and the bedside table with a water carafe. The walls and drapes are a beautiful shade of creamy white. The dim, ambient light creates a warmth feeling. Not to mention there's chairs and ottomans. It's quite a beautiful scene you've got to see to believe. And I can't believe what my eyes are seeing.

What does this man do for a living? He is a secret billionaire I've never heard of before. Have I met my very own Christian Grey?

I make my way to the layered bed full of goose down pillows and cushions. My hands roam free across the sheets, blankets, and white bedding. The soft handmade mattress felt like a memory foam cloud. I would be sure to find myself on cloud nine by the end of the night. Laying back on the ridiculously cozy bed, I close my eyes and my mouth curved into a smile.

I open my eyes back and prop myself up on my elbows, when I hear a chuckle escape Lucas's lips. I stare at him with a bemusing look. He seemed to be amused by me as he turn the lock on the bedroom door. He walked over towards me and stared back in a jokingly way. Lucas crossed his arms over his chest and twisted his mouth into a goofy smile.

I couldn't help but wonder what he was laughing at. "What's so funny, Lucas?"

"You've never quite been in a Manhattan hotel before, have you?" Lucas brought his slender finger up to his amusing smile, sliding it against his lips.

"Is it that obvious?" I cover my lips with my hand and look away. A light giggle breaks free from my mouth without my consent. My cheeks heat up and begin to burn, turning a deep shade of scarlet.

"I can tell. You've got a shocked look on that face of yours. It's priceless." He tells me. Lucas bored his steel blue eyes into mine. It's as if he is staring into my soul.

I sit up fully and bend down to slip off my tan Uggs and socks. Along with my knit hat and cardigan sweater, my tight jeans plop onto the carpet into a pile. I can feel Lucas's fiery, hard gaze lingering on me and I can't help but feel if I should be flattered or creeped out. I'll choose to be flattered since it is a better choice.

Shutting my eyes close, I shake my head as my fingers slip through my mop of dark curls. The second I open my eyes I focus my attention back on Lucas.

"What do you exactly do to afford such a classy bedroom like this?" I let my curiosity get the best of me and ask the burning question. It is glowing with flames deep in my stomach.

"I'm in a band called Six Outlaws. I'm the lead singer and we are pretty underground famous." explained Lucas. "Indie if you would say. But, we'll be opening up for The 1975 next year. I guess all of those seven years paid off. 'Cause look at where we are now!" I can hear the pure excitement in his tone. Lucas seemed to be really proud of himself and his indie band.

Wow! Seven years full of hard work has led him to a Manhattan suite. I'm proud of Lucas and the band! Who says dreams don't come true for you?

Then, I stride over to Lucas and place my hands on his board shoulders. I look up through my sweeping eyelashes with lustrous eyes and a sexy smirk. I leaned in close and purred. "Well, Mr. Lead Singer I guess I'll be your groupie tonight."

It Was Always You (Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें