Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

You & Me
By Lifehouse

I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time

FROM THE comfort of a kitchen island stool, I watched Matt stir a large plastic bowl of ground chicken, eggs, and bread crumbs with a mixing spoon. He focused his intense gaze on moving the wooden spoon in the bowl, around and around in a circulation motion. I rest my elbow upon the solid wood countertop. With my chin in the palm of my hand, I stare at him in awe and curiosity as my mouth curved into a quizzical grin.

"Matty," I spoke. "What are you exactly cooking?"

Matt sat the large plastic bowl on the kitchen island, right beside a thick, open cookbook the size of War & Peace. "I am cooking some Italian Wedding Soup for us tonight." He shared, giving me a dimpled smile full of pride. What is Italian Wedding Soup? I've never knew such a soup had existed before.

This is just great, like I need another reminder that Heather and Matt are getting married.

My smile faded almost instantly. "Oh."

Matt lowered his eyes to the cookbook and stroked his chin with his fingers. He quietly mumbled several incoherent words to himself. I laid my eyes on yellow gold wedding band on Matt's ring finger. The diamond encrusted gold ring shines brightly, under the kitchen island's light pendant. I'm entranced by its striking beauty and the pavè diamonds. Once I catch myself gawking with a gaped jaw, I steal my eyes away and begin to pick a scab around my fingernail.

The front door flung open and Heather rushed in, heading straight down the hall of the apartment. I look over my shoulder to catch a glimpse of Heather. But, she was already gone and out of sight. Heather did leave quite a mess in her wake. Her purse and black coat spread across the floor, along with loads of paperwork. Without a single word, Heather had sprinted pass Matty and I in a big rush.

Was she always this messy? Well, Heather's dorm at Duke was always a mess. I thought to myself.

"Hey babe!" Matt shouted happily. He walked over to a cabinet and opened it to pull out a large saucepan.

"Hi baby!" Heather shouted loudly from down the hall. Her voice echoed throughout the whole apartment.

I shift awkwardly in the wooden stool and turn my attention back to picking my fingernails. I'm still reeling from the emotional fiasco of Heather and Matt's betrayal. I can't believe Heather decided to have a marriage announcement on my birthday. What true best friend does such a treacherous thing? Matty didn't even tell beforehand he was engaged to my best friend. Heaviness weighs down on my heart, beating against my rib cage. The memories of the emotional fiasco is still fresh on my mind. I don't think I should be in this apartment right now. Maybe a drive around the city will help clear my heavy heart.

Or I could go hang out with Lucas but I don't think I got Mr. Lead Singer's number.

The sound of approaching footsteps behind dragged me out of my thoughts. I can feel the presence of Heather standing behind me. When she wraps her arms around my body in a hug, I am engulfed by her sweet and fruity perfume. I close my eyes and accept her embrace surely but slowly. Despite the fact I am still reeling from the emotional fiasco, I am not cold-hearted in any way. Heather is still my best friend who just has happened to betray me.

"Hey, Dani. How was your day?" Heather asks nicely, still holding me in her warm embrace.

I answer. "Uh, it was okay. Matty and I went to Central Park."

"Babe, it looked pretty cool in Central Park today." Matt adds. "I'm bummed Dani and I didn't get a chance to ice skate."

I'm actually glad we didn't get to ice skate because I don't want to be in the hospital. I began to think to myself. Though a hospital sounds better than Heather and Marty's place right now.

"Well, we could go ice skating this weekend. I will be off from work." Heather suggests as she walks into the kitchen and hops onto the counter to sit.

"How was work today babe?" Matt questions. He begins to slice an onion into chopped pieces with a large knife.

"Daddy and I have been talking about a full time promotion for next year. I'm excited." Heather smiled. The excitement is bright in her tone of voice. 

Matt pours a bottle of olive oil into the large saucepan, along with chopped carrots, celery, and onions. After he quickly stirs the vegetables with a wooden spoon, he walks over to Heather and gives her a kiss on the lips. Matt begins to mumble incomprehensible words to Heather, in which she lets out an obnoxious laugh. I watch Heather place her hands on each side of Matt's face. She leans in to give him a small kiss. My heart begins to crumble a bit as I tear my eyes away and jump out of the stool.

I can't stand around watch Heather and Matt do this to me anymore.

"Hey, guys I'm going to call it a night. I'm pretty tired from today." I sigh.

"I'm not even finish with the Italian Wedding Soup yet." Matt frowned. He turned around to face me, holding out his arms with confusion on his face.

"That's okay Matty. I will have some soup tomorrow for lunch." I lie terribly.

Heather jumped off the kitchen counter and walked over to me. "I have to talk to you about something important Dani."

"Tonight? This important something can't wait until tomorrow." I sigh in frustration and fold my arms across my chest.

"No it can not wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow isn't promised." Heather responds.

What could be this "important something" Heather needs to talk to me about? I'm not entirely sure what it could be. But, I am not in the mood for any more surprises. I have already had enough of Heather's surprises.

"Okay, let's do this." I say in a low voice. I finally give in because I don't have the strength to yell or argue right now.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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