Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

Why Try
By Ariana Grande

So why do we try? (Do we try, yeah)
You got me like

THIS TIME I was prepared for New York and its winter wonderland-like weather. I was dressed in a cobalt blue turtleneck, black puffer jacket, a pair of blue jeans, and knee high suede boots. My outfit wasn't complete without a knit hat and fringed scarf. Not to mention I was wearing leather gloves and fuzzy earmuffs. There were layers to my clothes today and I couldn't be more proud of myself.

I hate to admit it to myself but Heather has great style. She had always been the stylish one; I did my best to dress in cute fashion. In the winter, I would be normally dressed like a walking marshmallow. I'm glad I could borrow her fashionable clothes, yet I needed to go shopping immediately.

I didn't want to depend on her for anything at this point in our friendship. Wait, where do we stand? Is this a friendship anymore?

Snapping me out of racing thoughts, Matt's voice brings me back down to reality. "....Isn't it beautiful out here or what?" He asks me and turns around with flashing eyes.

"Yes, yes it is." I agree politely.

Central Park was crowded with a large body of snow everywhere. White layers of frost were lying on the ground, benches, and everything in between. My focused gaze was set on the snow-white trees surrounding the urban park. The cold wind blows violently for a brief moment through Central Park. I place my smooth glove-clad hands into the pockets of my puffer jacket. Shuddering from the bitter wind, I feel the icy air in my bones and veins all together at once. I've always seen Central Park in spring and summer and fall, in movies and TV shows of course

But, I think Central Park looked much breathtaking in the winter season.

"You know, I know some awesome places around here...." Matt's bass voice trails off into the background. I am hardly listening to him but I shake and nod my head to whatever he is saying. I'm such a great listener, right?

Wrong. My subconscious disapproves of my lack of listening skills.

"Yeah. I bet you do, Matty." I assured.

In an instant, A young couple building a snowman with pure excitement caught my eyes. I think the couple had to be teenagers; teenagers in genuine love with each other. Their soft giggling filled the air and reminded me of sweet singing birds. I couldn't waste a moment like this at all. This was Human Photography at its best. I brought my Polaroid camera up to my right eye and snapped a quick photo.

Shaking the snapshot in frantic movement, I stared down at the photo with a beaming smile. It was a perfect moment captured in time. Maybe I should think about starting a winter photo collection. I think winter is the best season for picture-taking I think that would be such a great idea. I should ask Matt if I should start a winter collection starring normal people. Normal people doing normal stuff during the winter season. Ice skating at the Bryant Park Rink or Shopping at the Brooklyn Flea Market.
I know I can always count on him for a honest opinion.

Matt informed me. "Heather and I would go to this one place to go ice skatin—"

"When did you meet Heather? Where?" I blurt out.

Matty pauses in his walk with wide eyes and pursed lips. I stand in front of him with a hardening gaze, waiting for him to answer my question. Several people walk past of us both and give us concerned stares and glares.

"We had met last week at this bookstore and we reached for the same book." Matt responded with a dreamy grin. He cocks his head with an unfocused gaze, as if he was in a nostalgic state. "It was The Outsiders. I haven't read that book since like high school ma—"

"You've got to be joking right?" I roll my eyes and sigh in frustration. What type of clichè meet-cute is that?

"Can you stop interrupting?" He asks politely. There's a hint of sternness in his low voice I can't ignore. "It is getting so freaking annoying."

"I'm sorry Matty. But, I need you to listen to me. You can't marry someone you just met, let alone get engaged to her!"

"We didn't just meet, Dani. I met Heather last week actually. I know I just told you that or am I going crazy?"

I feel my blood pressure increase in a drastic measure. Intense rage consumes me as blood begins to flow through my head. I can't help but begin to actually see red. There's something strong coming over me; I don't know if it is adrenaline or fire or both.

I shake my head furiously and give him a fiery glare. "You can't marry her! You just can't marry Heather like that! You don't even know her middle name?"

"Why? What the hell is your problem?" Matt points his finger at me. His eyes are bulging with anger and he grinds his teeth together.

I know what my problem is and it isn't Matt. It is Heather. I must find a way to keep them from getting married. Heather is my real target here.


Author's Note: Hey guys! I hope everyone had a great Christmas this year. Sorry for the short chapter but I'm just preparing for the shenanigans to come next. I don't think you guys are prepared for what's next. Did you guys enjoy this chapter with Dani and Matt? If so please like, comment, and share! Follow me pls. Until then xoxo

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