Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten

You're Not Sorry
By Taylor Swift

You're not sorry (No no no no)
You're not sorry (No no no no)

I FIND it hard to walk into Heather and Matt's cozy Brooklyn apartment, without memories from last night's heated argument burning through my head. I walk through the place and my eyes rests on the bathroom door. The bathroom is set at the end of the tiny hallway. Coming to a complete standstill, I close my eyes shut and relieve everything all over again.

"I guess it didn't cross my mind during those phone calls."

"But, it sure did cross your fucking mind during my birthday tonight!"

"What the hell is going on? Why are guys both yelling? There's glass on the damn floor."

"What kind of fuckery is this? This was your birthday surprise for me? Your fucking engagement announcement?"

"Look, I hate both of you and I never want to talk to you again!"

Suddenly, hard footsteps stomping against the hardwood approach me. I flutter open my eyes in time to see Matty walking my way with a worried look. I'm quite unsure of where he had come from out of the blue. I inhale a deep breath and collect myself as the memories vanish from my head itself. My heart began to pump at a faster rhythm than usual. I was sure my pulse was not far behind my heartbeat. Keep it together, Daniela, Keep it together. I repeated and repeated this mantra to myself.

I didn't know what to except from this conversation with Matt. I haven't seem him this worried before.

"Where were you at, Daniela?" Matt interrogated me. He stared at me with moist eyes and a puckered forehead. "I've been texting your freaking phone man."

Matt seemed worried and angry at the same time. But, mostly worried I believe. It was clearly written all over his face. He didn't maintain much eye contain with me. Matt paced a bit around in the vast living room. The living room looked different without the huge crowd of party people, from the disaster on my birthday. You could see a long orange couch, green chair, and several paintings altogether.

I'm totally getting off of track right now. I didn't need to be thinking about bad birthdays and living rooms.

I shook my head at him in confidence.  My lips curl into a frown. He had no right at all to know about my whereabouts, especially after everything. "That's none of your concern, Matthew. I'm fine and that is all that matters."

He rubs a knitted eyebrow with his fingers. "You've could been killed out there or something."

"But, I wasn't killed at all. I am fine." I sighed.

"Daniela," Matt stated. He releases a long, deep breath and seems to calm down a bit. "You're new to the city and I didn't want anything to happen to you.

I really can't stick around for whatever this. An apology? Pep talk? Wise words?

I brush past him swiftly and head down the hallway to my snug bedroom. I realize I never got to sleep in my cream bed. My bedroom looks fresh and clean as ever. From the vanity desk to the creamy colored curtains, everything remained in its place perfectly. My nose inhaled the fresh and natural scent lingering in my room.

All of a sudden, My too-large-for-my face eyes land on a Polaroid camera. The Instax camera is sitting on my bed complete with a huge, red bow. I let out a dramatic gasp and clasp my hands on my face. It is a ice blue colored Instax mini camera. Taking a seat at edge of my queen size bed,  I take the mini Polaroid in my palm and run my finger across the smooth surface of it.

"I've seen you found your birthday gift." Matt smiled, pointing to the Polaroid in the hand. He leaned against the door frame and slips his hands inside his blue jean pockets.

I may be a bit angry at Matt but I do need a new camera. I can't believe he would get me such a beautiful gift!

I'm almost at a lost for words. But, I pull a few together to form a sentence anyway. "Matty....This is...the best birthday gift ever. It's perfect!"

"It is from Heather." Matt told me. "I'm sure she'll be happy to hear you like her birthday gift. She's been torn up about what happen..."

I swear I felt my heart pause for a minute before it stormed, a raging firestorm was beginning to arise from within. Heather had bought me this gift for my birthday? I've always loved Polaroids; cameras were my best friend. I can't believe the fact that Heather bought me a camera. It isn't a birthday gift at all; this is a gift she hopes that will get me to trust her again. But, Heather should've known better that she can't buy my forgiveness. Standing up to my feet, I toss the camera on the back and fold my arms against my chest. I hold my head with my nose in the air with downturned lips.

"It isn't my birthday anymore." I deadpan. My voice was dead; full of no emotion whatsoever. I swallow hard and give him a scornful look.

"You should probably take it, Dani." Matt suggests. He completely ignored my contemptuous behavior. "Because you are going to need for where we're going to today."

Where could we be going today? I don't freaking want the stupid camera, nor do I want bring it with me.

I cock my head with raised eyebrows. A quizzical smile is etched on my face in curiosity. "Where are we going to? I hate surprises."

"Trust me I know already you hate surprises." Matt leered. "We are going to Central Park."

"Central Park! This can't be happening right now." I cry out in excitement. My eyes begin to sparkle as I clasp my hands together. I feel my heart soar with the sheer power of joy.

Matt turns his back on me and begins to walk away me, but he freezes dead in his tracks. He spins his head around before he spoke up. "You can borrow Heather's clothes today. Don't forget to bring your birthday gift though."

But, I don't want to bring the dumb camera with me. Make me, Matty. I thought.


Author's Note: Hello everyone!! How are you enjoying the story so far? How do you feel about Heather's gift for Dani's birthday? I know this chapter is short but I knew I had to update. Leave comments, leave a like, and share my story. Follow me as well people. Until then xoxo

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