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Molly turned to Albus. He was sitting at the kitchen table, staring into a coffee cup as he ran his finger around the rim. Molly sighed and placed her hands on her hips. "Albus, dear, will you go round everyone up for dinner?" Molly asked. Albus glanced up. He nodded. "Oh, uh, yeah sure." 

Albus pushed against the table, sliding his chair out. The scraping sound filled the small kitchen before he stood up. Albus walked into the living room. "Dinner's ready." He mumbled. There was at least ten people in there but only his mum had heard him. She smiled and rubbed his shoulder. 

"It's alright, Albus." Albus just shrugged and walked towards the front door. He pulled it open to see the younger cousins playing in the snow. Leo had a hat covering his dark curls as he turned towards the door with a smile. He ran over to the porch and smiled up at Albus. "Hi, Al." Albus gave him a weak smile back. "Hey." He whispered. 

Leo leaned forward on the balls of his feet. "Are you having a nice Christmas?" Albus shrugged. "It's okay I guess. Will you tell the other kids dinners ready?" Leo nodded. "Sure thing." Albus watched as Leo turned back around and ran to tell the cousins. Albus turned around and walked inside. 

Albus looked around as he stepped into the living room. "Has anyone seen Cassie?" He whispered. Draco sighed and walked over. "I think she's upstairs talking with James." Albus felt his heart drop. "Oh." He whispered. Draco couldn't believe what he was about to do. "You should join them, Albus. I know that Cassie would want your opinion on this." Albus shrugged. "I don't know, sir. I think my opinion might be clouded by my anger at the moment. I think it's best to wait a week," Albus whispered. He looked towards the stairs. "My Nana asked me to get everyone for dinner do you mind going up there? I can't face the two of them together yet." Draco nodded. "Of course. Albus, she loves you, you know?" Albus nodded. "I know but that doesn't make it hurt any less." 

Albus turned and walked into the kitchen as Draco walked upstairs. He reached the first door and pressed his ear to it. He knew he shouldn't be doing this but he was a tad bit curious, only a tad. 

"Have you gone to an appointment yet?" James asked. "No. I just found out yesterday." Draco pushed his ear further against the door. They didn't sound angry, that's could be a good thing. "Ca-can I go to the appointment with you?" Draco's eyes widened. It was a good thing. "Of course, James. It's your baby too." Draco smiled. He was glad that Cassie was at least letting James in on some of this. "Quaffle," James corrected. "It's my quaffle too." Draco's eyes widened as he straight. 

This was bad. This was very very bad. His daughter had been impregnanted by a grown child. Well things just got worse. Draco reached up and knocked on the door. 

"Come in." Two voices called in unison. Draco pushed the door open and looked between the two. James eyes widened and he sat up quickly. "Dinner's ready." Draco told them. Cassie gave her dad a smile. "Thanks dad." Draco smiled back as he studied Cassie's face. She didn't seem sad or mad. 

Cassie stood up and walked passed her dad. Draco nodded to James before walking out after her. "How'd it go?" He asked her. Cassie looked up at him. "It went surprisingly well." She told him. Draco smiled. "That's good." They walked downstairs and into the kitchen soon followed by James. 

There was an extension charm on the table so it could fit everyone there. There was food covering the table along with centerpieces every couple chairs. Cassie walked over and sat  in-between Scorpius and Leo. Scorpius turned to her as Rose leaned passed him. "Well?" They asked in unison. Cassie just nodded. "It went okay." She whispered. Rose smiled. "So are you keeping it?" She whispered. Cassie shrugged. "We're not sure yet." She whispered. 

James walked over and sat down across from Cassie and next to Fred. He reached over for a plate and handed it to Cassie. Fred gave him a weird look. He looked over at Cassie. "So did you two have fun upstairs?" Cassie rolled her eyes as she took the plate from James. "Butt out, Weasley." Cassie shot. Fred's eyes widened. "Looks like it's someone's time of the month," Fred paused, slowly looking up. "Oh wait, you're a bitch all the time." He stated. Cassie glared at him. "I will drag you across this floor and beat your ass." Cassie said calmly. Fred chuckled. "Alright, Malfoy. Save it for the pitch alright." 

"She's quitting quidditch," James whispered, piling mash potatoes onto his plate. Fred's brows furrowed as Cassie's head snapped towards James. James looked up, realizing what he said. "I uh, I mean she might quit. It's not in the cards yet." Fred looked over to Cassie, shoveling stuffing into his mouth. "Why?" He asked through a mouthful. 

Cassie groaned. "Can you like...chew?" Fred rolled his eyes but chewed the food in his mouth. He swallowed. "Why?" He repeated. Cassie shrugged. "I um, want to focus on my N.E.W.Ts." Cassie whispered as she started loading her plate up with food. 

She suddenly got a whiff of the hame and Cassie felt like she was hit with a busload of nausea. She jumped out of her chair and ran to the bathroom. Everyone looked up as she ran from the room. Albus and James both stood up and shared a look. James sighed and sat back down in his chair. 

Albus hurried out of the room and upstairs to the bathroom. Cassie was on her knees, emptying her stomach into the toilet. She was holding onto the toilet with one hand and holding her hair back with the other. Albus walked over and bent down next to her. He grabbed her hair and rubbed her back. 

Cassie's other hand went to the side of the toilet as she continued heaving into it. Cassie lifted her head up and Albus moved to rip of some toilet paper. He handed it to Cassie and she wiped her mouth before turning around. 

Her face fell. "Al-""Sh, let's just forget about that right now." He whispered, pulling Cassie into his lap. Cassie laid her head on Albus' shoulder. "I'm sorry." She whispered. Albus nodded, kissing her forehead. "I know." 

The Weasleys and Potters were all confused by what had just happened. James was staring at his lap as Molly turned to Draco. "Is Cassie alright?" She asked. Draco nodded. "It's probably a stomach bug." He whispered. Leo furrowed his brows and shook his head. "No, Dad. It's the baby remember." And that's what you get for telling a seven year old about a pregnancy that's suppose to be a secret. 

Happy Halloween, my fellow Queens and Kings 

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