-Twenty Eight-

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Cassie had James shirt in her fists and he was hovering over Cassie. James pulled away. "Cass, babe, we have to get to class." Cassie groaned. "But I'm horny." She whispered, kissing James again. James chuckled against Cassie's lips, sending shivers down her spine. "We have to go, Cassie." Cassie sighed. "Fine." She whispered. 

James sat up and pressed a kiss to Cassie's bump. It was progressively getting bigger. Cassie was sixteen weeks now and she had an appointment next week to find out the gender. James was estactic and he had made bets with the entire family and close friends on the gender. Everyone except for James, Levi, Teddy, and Victorie thought it was a boy and there was tons of money in on the betting pool now. 

James climbed off Cassie and started to button his shirt up. "So are we going to find out the gender next week?" Cassie nodded. "Yes, everyone's dying to know and I need to know if I beat you or not." James chuckled. "You're hilarious. Cassie pushed herself up. "Yeah, yeah whatever. Tie my shoe." James rolled his eyes while smiling and bent down in front of Cassie. "You realize you could have taken your shoes off for break right?" James said as he started tying her shoes. "Yes, I realize that but then I'd just have to ask you to put them back on." James chuckled. "There you're all done." 

Cassie stood up at the same time James did and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I don't want to go to potions. It makes me sick." James sighed, rubbing her back. "I know but you have to go. You're a Ravenclaw, aren't you suppose to love classes?" Cassie groaned. "I should punch you for that." James laughed. "What?" 

"You're a Gryffindor, aren't you suppose to be on some magical quest of bravery?" Cassie pulled away and walked over to the couch. She pulled her robes on as James laughed. "I'm serious though, I thought that was what Ravenclaws are. Smart and love classes." Cassie pulled the door open. "I'm going to throw up on you." 

Cassie sat in potions trying her hardness not to throw up. The room reeked of Amortenia and the smell of the quidditch pitch was making her dizzy. Cassie groaned and laid her head on the table. Chloe looked over at her. "What's wrong?" Cassie glanced up at her. "The smell. It's disgusting." Chloe chuckled. "Cassie, it's Amortenia. Are you telling me the smell of the love of your life is making you sick?" Cassie nodded. "Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying." 

Chloe chuckled. "Well then what does it smell like?" Cassie looked down at the cauldron. "Um, well I smell my mother's homemade pie, the manor, and then something that smells like the quidditch pitch with a tad of Cologne." Chloe grinned. "So the guy plays quidditch?" Cassie nodded. "Yeah, I guess so." Chloe smiled. "It's Albus." 

Zoe turned around having heard her sister. "No, it's James." Chloe raised her brow, challenging her sister. "Albus is her first love." Zoe grinned. "She's dating James and James is the father of her child." Cassie slammed her hand onto the desk. "Or it's neither. It could be Victor Krum for all we know!" Everyone turned to Cassie and she leaned back into her chair. "Yes?" She asked. 

Everyone looked away quickly except for a group of Alice's friends. "Slut." One coughed. Cassie glared at them as the other joining in on the coughing. "Slut. Slut." Cassie rolled her eyes. "Girls, how about *cough* detention." Blaise said as he walked down the aisles. Cassie hid a grin as the girls went quiet and Blaise walked over to them.

"Cassie, I expected a better come back from you seeing as you're a Malfoy." Cassie shrugged. "Eh." Blaise chuckled. "Are you alright? You look pale." Cassie nodded. "I'm just nauseous." Blaise nodded. "Alright, If you need to leave you're fine to. You don't need to ask." Cassie nodded. "Got it, Uncle Blaise." Blaise raised his brow. "Professor Uncle Zabini?" Blaise shrugged. "That works." He walked away as Cassie chuckled, looking back over at the potion. 

She was hit with another wave of nausea and Cassie nodded. "Yep, definitely going to be sick." Cassie jumped up and ran from the room. Cassie ran to the bathroom and into a stale. She dropped to her knees and doubled over into the toilet. 

"Cassie?" Cassie turned around and saw Dom standing behind her. Cassie groaned. "Dom, I really don't want to deal with you right now. Kinda puking my guts out here." Dom sighed. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry." Cassie turned around. "Did James put you up to this?" Dom shook her head. "No. I just, you're carrying my baby cousin and I wanted to say sorry because you're basically family now." Dom whispered. 

Cassie shifted. "Okay, apology accepted I guess." Dom nodded. "Good, great um so Alice is planning something." Cassie raised her brow. "What is it?" Dom sighed. "They want to push you off the moving staircases." Cassie scoffed. "You're kidding me, right?" Cassie asked. Dom shook her head. "No. I wish I was." Cassie pushed herself up. "Then we fight fire with fire." Dom shook her head. "No, No. I don't want to pus-""We're not pushing her off the stairs! I mean Potters and Weasleys are famous for being pranksters, right?" Dom grinned. "Right but we're getting the other girls in on this. No one messes with our family." Dom stated, crossing her arms over her chest. 

Dom turned to leave but stopped. "Aren't you coming?" Cassie nodded. "Yeah, after I finish puking. Merlin, Dom, I'm not a miracle worker." 

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