-Thirty Three-

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Cassie sat in the stands as she watched James zip by on his broom. She rolled her eyes with a smirk on her face as he turned the broom around and flew into the stands, stopping right in front of her. He hovered in front of her as both hands gripped his broom. 

"You know you don't have to stay right?" James asked. Cassie nodded. "I know but I already have my trunks packed and there's nothing else to do," Cassie said. James smiled and nodded. "Alright then, let us finish up and we can head up to your room," James told her. Cassie smiled. She nodded and watched as James flew away. 

Cassie and James walked up to Cassie's room, holding hands. James pulled the door open for Cassie. She walked in and froze, seeing Rose sitting on her bed. "Oh, good. I'm glad I caught you guys, I wasn't sure if you had taken the earlier train or not," She said, jumping up. 

"No," Cassie said, shaking her head. "We haven't yet. Why?" She asked. Rose sighed. "Everyone else is going home on the later train so I have no one to sit with," Cassie's brows furrowed. "Scorp to?" She asked, walking over to the bed. Rose nodded. "Yeah. Also James, Nan wants us to stop by before we head home," Rose explained. 

James nodded. "Okay, we'll stop there after we take Cassie home," He said. Rose shook her head frantically. "No, bring her. I'm sure Nan would love to see her," Rose quickly interjected. James looked up at Cassie. "Do you want to go?" He asked. Cassie nodded. "Of course. I love your Nan," 

Cassie and James walked through the train station, swinging their hands back and forth. Rose stood besides them, smiling like a fool. She grinned when she saw the older woman with red and grey hair. 

"Nan!" Rose shouted. Molly smiled and waved at the three teenagers frantically. Her face lit up when she saw Cassie. Molly hurried over to them smiling. "Oh look at you," She said holding her arms wide. "You're glowing," Cassie grinned and stepped into the woman's embrace. "Hi, Mrs. Weasley," 

Molly waved her off, squeezing her gently. "Call me Nan, darling," Molly pulled away and pulled James and Rose into a quick hug. "Anyways, I wanted you guys to come over because I might have some of your mother's things from when she was younger," Molly told James. James tilted his head. "Nan-""What do you think, Cassie?" Cassie smiled. "That'd be wonderful. I've been meaning to get some things from my grandmere but..." Cassie trailed off. "I haven't exactly had the time to tell her," 

Molly smiled. "That's alright dear. Come on. I brought the car," Molly turned and hurried to the car, Rose quickly catching up to her and James and Cassie lagging behind. 

James smiled as they pulled into the driveway. He looked down at Cassie who was sound asleep on his shoulder. James laid his hand on her thigh and lightly shook her awake. Cassie's eyes flickered open. "Good morning, sleepy head," James whispered. Cassie looked around. "Are we here?" She asked. James nodded. "Yeah," Cassie sat up and stretched. She pushed her door open and stepped out of the car, stretching. James climbed out after her. 

Molly hurried over to the door. James and Cassie following behind as Rose stood behind them, bouncing on the balls of her feet. Molly smiled as she pushed the door open and stepped inside. Cassie followed after her and almost died when the lights flicked on. 

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted as they jumped out from behind something. James jumped, placing his hand over his heart. "Holy sh-""It is a party for you guys," Rose said, throwing her hands up in the air. Cassie turned to look at her. "You couldn't have warned us? I just had a heart attack," 

"Nonsense, Darling. That would ruin the surprise," A posh voice spoke. Cassie's head snapped forward, a smile growing on her face. "Grandmere," She said, throwing her arms around Narcissa. Narcissa chuckled and pulled away, placing her hands on Cassie's stomach. "My aren't you big," She whispered. Cassie's shoulders softened. "Did dad tell you?" 

Narcissa nodded. "He told everyone. Explained to me that he was trying to make it easier on you," She said. Cassie smiled, realizing her dad truly was the greatest. "I hope you're not mad," Cassie whispered. Narcissa tilted her head. "I'm not mad, dear," She whispered, taking her hand. "I understand the hesitation," 

Lily hurried over. "Unfortunately the rest of the world found out today as well," Lily held her phone out, showing Cassie and James an article with a picture of them getting off the train today. James groaned as he took the phone from her hand. He quickly skimmed through it. "They got that out fast," He mumbled. 

Cassie nodded, looking over his shoulder. "Maybe someone will try and get it down," She whispered. "My aunt pansy, maybe," Cassie whispered. James sighed and handed the phone back to Lily. "I doubt it'll do anything," He mumbled. Cassie nodded. "You're right. Malfoy and Potter are probably trending right now," 

James nodded. "I bet Potter's first," He smirked, wiggling his brows. Cassie stared at him shocked. "No way, Malfoy is," 

"Kids," Ginny said. James and Cassie turned to look at Ginny. "Just relax and enjoy the party," Ginny told them. James nodded. "Right. Relax," 

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