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As soon as the Potters had walked through the front door it was hellfire raining down on James. "This is unbelievable, James! Absolutely unacceptable behavior! You do not sleep with your brother's girlfriend." Harry shouted as James sat on the couch. Ginny was there too. She had no idea what to say but she was there. 

"To sleep with her's one thing but knocking her up too! And a Malfoy!" Harry shook his head as he continued pacing. "Unbelievable. Do you realize what will happen when this gets out?" James shrugged. "I did you a favor. After all the Potter name was dying out anyways. I suppose it'll be trending number one on Witter in a month." Harry pointed a finger at him. "Don't play smart with me, James." 

James just sighed and leaned into the couch. "We're keeping this a secret and once the baby's born it'll be given up for adoption." James leaned forward. "That's not your decision to make, pops. That's me and my baby mama's decision." Ginny groaned. "James, once in your life can you take something seriously!" James grinned. "Sirius is my middle name," That earned him a glare from both parents and James sighed. "I have been serious, alright? Today when I found out, I was serious! I can be serious." He mumbled, slouching into the couch. 

"This is unbelievable!" Harry shouted again. James groaned. "Can you stop saying that? I agree but saying that won't make it go away! I'm terrified out of my wits end. I might become a father in a few months and I don't know what to do. I can't even say ba-the b word. I'm a child myself!" James shook his head. "You know, I thought this would go differently. I thought Mr. Malfoy would be the one who was lecturing and all mean, maybe he kicked Cassie out and you two would be the accepting ones but damn was I wrong," James pushed himself off the couch. "Me and Cassie will make our decision on our own, you certainly will not do it for us!" James stomped upstairs and Harry turned to Ginny. 

"Draco's accepting this?" He whispered. Ginny shrugged. "I don't know. It was hard to tell at the dinner. Would Malfoy really do that though?" Harry bit his lip and dropped down onto the couch, next to Ginny. He dropped his head into his hands. 

"I expected this from James but not...not with Malfoy." He whispered. Ginny nodded. "I knew they slept together but I didn't know this happened." Harry looked up. "You knew they slept together?" Ginny nodded. "Albus punched James yesterday after he got home from the Malfoys'." Harry sighed. 

"I'm going to go into the study." Harry whispered. Ginny laid her hand on Harry's shoulder. "Harry, what are you going to do?" Harry looked up at Ginny. "Hopefully take care of this." 

Cassie was sitting at her desk, reading one of the books she had gotten for Christmas, when she heard a tapping on her window. Cassie stood up and walked over to the window. She pulled it open and the Potters' owl flew in. He flew over to the desk and perched himself on top of it. Cassie shut the window and walked over to it. She spotted the letter in its talons. Cassie grabbed the jar of owl treats on her desk and pulled on out. She gave one to the owl and pulled the letter away. 

Dear Cassiopeia

Meet me at the leaky cauldron at 7. We need to talk. 

Sincerely Mr. Potter

Cassie felt her heart start to race. She looked up at the clock seeing it was 6:50. Cassie set the letter on her desk and walked towards the study where the floo was. She pushed the door open, silently praying that her father wasn't in there. The study was empty and she crept over to the fireplace. Cassie grabbed a handful of floo powder and stepped inside the fireplace. "The Leaky Cauldron!" She shouted, dropping the powder. 

Cassie felt herself squeezing through the floo network and she began to get nauseous. She landed in the Leaky Cauldron covered in soot. Cassie coughed and dusted herself off, trying to fight off the nausea as well. 

She looked around and caught sight of Harry sitting in a dark corner and reading a newspaper. Cassie stood up straighter and walked over. She nodded to him as she pulled a chair out. "Mr. Potter." She whispered. Harry looked up and folded the newspaper. He set it aside and gave her a nod. "Cassiopeia, we need to talk about things." Cassie chuckled. "I think you mean thing. As far as I know there's one." Harry sighed. "Right, well yes that. I think it's best if you terminate the pregnancy. You seem like a smart girl with her life ahead of her. You're head girl, no?" 

Cassie nodded. "I am head girl." Harry nodded, leaning into his hand. "Hmmm, that makes my point. This baby could drag you down. What do you want to do after Hogwarts, Miss Malfoy?" Cassie shrugged. "I want to become a healer, like my father." Harry nodded. "You won't be able to do that with a baby." Cassie shrugged. "Doesn't mean I have to terminate the pregnancy. I could give it up for adoption or I could raise it, we don't know that I won't be able to become a healer just because I have children. My father's single and he does it." Harry scoffed. "Your father was also a death eater." 

Cassie raised her brow. She was trying to be nice but he had disrespected her father. "Alright, Mr. Potter, my father made his fair share of mistakes in his past, as I'm sure you did the same, but my father is working and has been working to make a better life for himself and his children. He is not the petty little boy that you knew him to once be. My father has worked out all of his past mistakes. Did you know he's reached out to the family's of the victims of the war and apologized?" 

Harry shook his head. "I did not get an apology." Cassie shrugged. "Maybe because you refuse to move on from the past and to grow up. My father's not perfect but you aren't either, Mr. Chosen one. If you were I'm sure Voldemort would have been defeated a lot sooner, don't you? So if you just called me here to disrespect me and my family. I'll be on my merry little way." 

Cassie went to stand up. "I'll pay you," Cassie froze and turned towards him. "I will pay you a very large sum of money to get rid of the child." Cassie smiled. "Mr Potter, I think you're forgetting that my family has money also. Not as much as you but we have money." Cassie stood up and walked back towards the floo. 

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