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WARNING: Violent content ahead. If not comfortable, skip it.

 M  E  L

Darkness everywhere.

Literally. From the inside out, abstractly and physically. It has been present since before I can remember but now it is ingrained in me. Not only am I in a dark place mentally, but I am also in one physically. 

It's hard to know for how long I have been here since I've been consistently in and out of consciousness. Up until now.

Not sure for how long though because every time I start to regain my consciousness, I lose it all over again.

It's dark, cold and dirty. And ironically enough, I feel the same. There's this mouldy stench that is every present and it doesn't help the raging headache that's brewing in my brain. Just my luck. 

The fog in my mind clears out as everything starts to get back to me. 

Luca with someone else.

My father's not to lawfully commitments.

The pregnancy.

It's exhausting just thinking about it.

And not to talk about the fact that Luca only got close to me to get to my father.

Uhm, no. Let's think about useful things.

How did I get here?

"Foda-se!" Fuck. Cursing is all my brain can muster at the moment as it strains to remember what happened.

"That's not very ladylike." A gruff and unfamiliar voice startles me.

Teach me something I don't know, darling...

"Who the fuck are you?" I ask ignoring the stupid remark. 

"What are you a woman or a sailor?" He ignores my question and I snort.

"Probably the sailor. Dick and balls included. I even  bet mine are bigger than yours." I bite back.

I hear a growl and the echo of steps. Whoever he is, is moving. 

The footsteps get lighter and suddenly stop. On the edge of my curiosity, I wait, to see if the person comes back and when a while goes by with no other sounds I allow my body to relax a tiny bit.

Luca comes back into my mind and just as I am about to allow myself to wallow in self-pity for a moment, a switch sounds in the room. Then a static sound reverberates through the walls right before a bright and blinding light turns on.

For the first time, as my eyes adjust to the light, I can see around. The first word that pops into my mind is unsanitary. The second is cell.

Concrete is the main material of construction. On the floor, walls and ceiling and to my front, a metal bar, like those you see in prisons, separates me from a person. Probably the one who talked moments ago. 

With the intent of seeing them better, I tilt my head back, to be met with them fully dressed in black with those gangsta hoodies that show nothing but the eyes. They strike me hard. 

The way his head is tilting down doesn't bring a shadow to them, not letting me see the real colour but they seem light-shaded. And familiar.

Could it be Luca? No, it wasn't his voice.

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