They develope feelings

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This will all be in their point of view.
Shan Yu:
I watched (y/n) as they ground up herbs for an old man experiencing arthritis. They had a small smile on their face, and their hands were stained green. Seeing them like this cause a funny feeling in my gut, and I had the urge to hold on to them and never let them go.

Even if I didn't know what these feelings meant, I didn't want to forget them. (Y/n) was important to me, and I didn't want to let her go.

I sat in the kitchen, doing the dishes, as I had agreed to (y/n)'s "chore list".  They seemed so happy as we were now splitting the work and could both do what we enjoyed. When they smiled at me when I said I'd be willing to go along with the chore list, it made me feel good that I had made them proud.

I'd never really needed anyone's approval, I mean, Sure, it felt good when someone gassed me up, but for some reason, it felt like I needed their approval. They commented on my strength the other day as I chopped wood, and it made me feel more proud than when anyone else did.

I had felt this to a much smaller degree when I was pursuing Belle, but now it felt like I couldn't live without them, and I don't want to screw up again.

I held (y/n) against my chest as I continued to try and find our way out, worried what would happen if I let them go again. I don't know why I cared so much, why I tried to save them, but I felt as though if I lost them, I would lose a piece of myself. Gods all have at least one mortal like that, according to Hecate. A mortal who shared a bit of the cosmos we were created from.

There was only one way to know of that for sure, but I found myself hoping they would pass the test. They didn't run away from me, heck, they even helped me all they could as evidenced by her missing sandals. I sure on the river Styx a while back I would protect they when she wasn't looking, but now it's important for me, no matter what my more evil side tells me.

Dr. Facilier:
We had rounded up about three souls now, and (y/n) was starting to relax. They became more open with me, and I found myself falling for the morbid dear. I had loved plenty of people before, but none as intense as this.

They often held my hand as a way of keeping track of me, and during those moments, I felt the butterflies and the nervousness. Their smile was a rare sight, but when I did get to see it, it was a sight that left me speechless. I need to confess to her soon, even if they don't feel the same way.

It intrigued me how (y/n) was able to navigate the area around them with their lack of sight. They made strange noises and claimed they had to memorize the layout of the land. They seemed fine most of the time, but now and then, they would trip up, and come to me with new wounds.

In the weeks I have been living with they, I have become rather protective of her, especially after that "Nuka" incident. They seemed to be happier as I stayed around, and I noticed I had begun to develop feelings for them. It was much more than I had ever felt for Zira. I wanted to make it in a tribe, but I would wait for them.
Hey lovelies, sorry it's so short, I typed this in a hurry yesterday as I have to go to Phoenix today. Hope you enjoy it nonetheless! I promise the next chapter will be the normal length. Have a great day/night!

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