Head canons

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Due to the lack of updates, the number of characters, and my need to explain why characters act the way they do, here are some headcanons about each character.

Shan Yu🪶:
Shan Yu is actually very insecure about his eyes, and tries to avoid eye contact when he isn't trying to intimidate anyone.

He's very cuddly, but won't touch you without your permission.

He loves Hayabusa, but he also loves any other animal he isn't hunting. You might even find him tending to a small animal Hayabusa brought to him.

Shan Yu has nightmares from when he got buried in an avalanche up in the mountains, and from when he got launched off a roof by a firework. He'll wake up silently, tears running down his face, but then he'll come find you and take your hand in his, reminding himself that he's somewhere safe.

No matter how tough this man tries to act, he is terrified of geese and swans. He will avoid them at all costs.

Gaston is very protective of the people and things he cares about, and would even give his life to make sure the people he cares about will live to see another day.

He has this need to show off and make sure you know how strong as capable he is.

Gaston is terrified you are going to leave him, like every other female in his life, so he tries to show you that he is worthy of your presence in any way possible.

Even when you're sleeping, Hades will keep an eye on your life force, he doesn't want you to die.

Whenever he tries to kiss you, Hades will be extra careful because he doesn't want to cut you with his teeth.

When he isn't angry, the fire on Hades's head doesn't actually hurt anyone. It is hot, but not hot enough to burn you.

Hades can sense when other gods are near, and he'll try to steer you away from them, lest they try to steal you from him or tell you of the terrible things he's done.

Dr. Facilier 🪡:
For some reason he can't explain, Facilier is drawn to a certain star up in the night sky, calling it the second star to the right.

Facilier likes to mess with people, but when it's with an innocent person and it goes too far, he'll freak out and come to you, along for help to fix it.

He always seems wary when he comes across a frog.

Facilier actually loves to sing, and will sing to you to help you sleep on rough nights or whenever you are particularly stressed.

Scar wants to have kids but is afraid they'll turn it like him.

Scar is way overprotective. Since he hardly had anything or anyone his entire life, he feels like he's going to lose what he has at any moment.

Scar often wonders what his and Zira's kids are doing. He never got to meet them, but he worries about them from time to time.

Scar has a hard time sleeping most nights, and will find wherever are sleeping and hold your hand until he falls asleep next to you.

Cruell de Vil 🐩:
Cruell is constantly making clothes for you. Have an important event to go to? Bam! Fancy new outfit! Favorite set of comfy clothes ruined? Bam! An exact replica. He'll make you whatever he feels like you need.

Cruell loves it when you run your hands through his hair, especially after a long day at the sewing machine.

Cruell takes what he can get affection-wise from you, and he didn't push for more, not wanting to seem overbearing or to needy. He didn't want to scare you off.

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