Your first date

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It had been only six days since I had left Ursul at the beach, and I had finished my presentation to the king, queen, and their royal advisers. With all the evidence I had collected, it was almost irrefutable. They had asked to see Ursul, but I had told them that he wouldn't be comfortable with it. The queen pulled me aside and asked if Ursul had ever hurt me. I found it a little weird, but reassured her I was completely fine.

I giddily slid down the sand dunes, looking for any sign of Ursul. I soon found him, his white hair shimmering in the rising sun. I quickly ran towards him, really happy to see him again.

He noticed me before I tackled him, and he was able to catch me with it missing a beat. "(Y/n), you're a whole day early! Welcome back my Pearl." I nuzzled into the crook of his neck, relishing in his salty-sweet scent. He pulled away, pulling something out from behind him. "Well, since you are a day early, we might as well go on the date I promised." He pulled a vial out, handing it to me. "I've developed a potion that will turn you into a mermaid temporarily, just long enough for us to go on our date."

I felt my excitement grow as I took the vial from him. He guided me into the water, then gently urged me to drink the purple liquid. My legs felt tingly, but soon I looked down, and in place of my legs was a (your fav color) tail. I looked at Ursul, my smile threatening to tear my face in half.

Ursul looked at me, an excited smile on his face. "Shall we get going, my Pearl?" I hugged him, unable to control my excitement. "Let's go, Ursul." He grabbed my hand and led me into the depths of the ocean.

We had finally made it to the edge of the flower field, Ratigan holding my hand and the picnic basket. It smelled amazing, all the flowers in varying colors, sizes, and shapes. Ratigan led me up a hill, a big tree on the top. He laid down the blanket, giving me a disarming smile.

"Here you are, my treasure. How does your leg feel?" I gave him a gentle smile. "I'm feeling good Ratigan, don't worry." I sat down on the blanket, Ratigan soon following. He started to pull out the picnic we had pulled together, handing me my sandwich. He put his hand on top of mine, and we relaxed for a while in comfortable silence.

After a moment, Ratigan looked at me, a small smile adorning his lips. "You know, I've been thinking for a while, about you, and I can't help but worry about what that tower is doing to your leg." I tried to stop him, but he placed a finger on my lips, effectively quieting me. "Now, I know what you are going to say. 'I'm fine Ratigan, you don't need to worry so much! How else am I supposed to get money!' But I have a solution for so of that!" I sighed and waited for him to continue.

"You see, in my downtime, I've been going around the city, looking for a different job, and I found one! Starting Monday, I'll be a professor at a school for well-off little boys." I looked at him in shock, not believing a word he said. "And, if you want, they've told me that I could have an assistant off I want. Ask you'd have to do, is sit and grade papers and help me watch the little devils."

I shook my head, unsure how to respond. "No way Ratigan, you're joking!" When his smile didn't leave his lips, I felt tears spring to my eyes. "That's amazing Ratigan! Thank you so much." Ratigan pulled me into a hug, running his fingers through my hair as tears ran down my face.

Clayton 🗡:
It has been several months, but we had finally made it back to London. I had to admit I would Moss the jungle, but grandfather said that, if I wanted to, I could come with him on his next expedition to the jungle in six months. I agreed, and Clayton was invited too.

It had been another week, and I had been able to settle back into my house. At this point, I was just eagerly awaiting Clayton to come to pick me up for our date. I was in the middle of drinking a spot of tea when he finally came.

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