Gaston Into the Future

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I sighed, wiping the sweat off of my forehead, looking at the glorious machine in front of me. After so many years trying to perfect this, I finally had a working time machine. It was basically the Tardis from Doctor Who, but instead of a telephone booth, it was a play house for little girls, and was much bigger on the inside.

  It was basically the Tardis from Doctor Who, but instead of a telephone booth, it was a play house for little girls, and was much bigger on the inside

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(Something like that)

I stepped through it, going to the destination setter as adrenaline started to pump through my veins. I decided to go to France in 1740. After triple checking that everything would go smoothly, I pressed the travel button, watching as the works out side the play house became nothing but a blur.

It took all of five seconds to arrive where I wanted to, and I stepped out, ready to find something to show to my colleagues that would prove my success.

Gaston's POV:
I watched as a strange person stepped out of a tiny house. They were wearing strange clothes, but seemed strangely beautiful. I watched as they left, seeming to be on the search for something.

As soon as they were gone, I approached the tiny house, looking inside of it. I tried to squeeze myself through the door, and after a bit of difficulty, managed to get inside. I found that it was much larger in the inside, and there were all sorts of buttons and levers around. I dared not touch any of them, for fear that they might activate some sort of witch craft. Surely this being could be nothing else than a witch of the made so much stuff fit in such a tiny house.

I waited for what seemed like hours before the being arrived. They took no notice of me and went about their business, pushing buttons and pulling levers. I took hold of my gun and slowly approached this odd creature. Before I could do or say anything, they pulled one final lever, and then the world outside seemed to disappear.

In a matter of seconds, we were in an entirely different place. The being seemed pleased with themselves and the bird in their hands. Before they could leave, I grabbed their shoulder asking, "where are we?"

(Y/n)'s POV:
"Où sommes-nous?" I looked behind me to see a large, muscular man with long, raven black hair. He was speaking French, which I didn't speak much of, so in turn, I asked, "parlez vous anglais?" He nodded, restoring his question, but this time in English. "Where are we?"

I smiled, laughing a little at my own clumsiness. "We are in America, in the year 2021. It seems I may have accidentally brought you back from the past." He looked at me like I was insane. "Can't you send me back?" I sighed. "Yes, I can. But the time machine needs to charge back up, so you'll have to wait till tomorrow." He sighed, frustrated as he ran his hands through his hair.

I put the carrier pigeon I had managed to catch in a cage, knowing I'd have to wait till tomorrow to show my professor. "What's your name anyways?" He leaned against a table, setting his gun down on it to. "I'm Gaston, and you are?" I smiled, responding, "I'm (y/n), it's a pleasure to meet you Gaston. Now, I have some errands to run, so you can stay here or come with me." I went to leave, and heard Gaston sigh then felt him come to my side.

"What errands need running?" I quickly went up the stairs, looking back to make sure Gaston was following me. "Well, I have to go visit my friend Angel, she's probably at the gym. Then I have to go get some groceries and visit my other friend Scott, who should be working today." Gaston nodded, and we got out of my house.

I went to my car, and Gaston hesitantly followed. I showed him how to buckle up, then we were on our way. The gym wasn't too far away, so we got there quickly. I said hi to the young man working at the register and quickly spotted Angel. I made sure Gaston was still following me and made my way over.

"Angel! How are you?" Angel turned to me, her blond hair and blue eyes shining in the bright lights. "I'm doing well (y/n), whose this behind you?" Gaston seemed to be in shock as he laid his eyes on the muscular woman, holding a fifty pound weight in each hand. "This is Gaston, I accidentally brought him back from the past." Angel laughed. "Do you finally got dang thing working huh? It's a pleasure to meet you Gaston." I laughed as Gaston stuttered out a reply.

"Well, just wanted to stop by, we have to get going now." Angel nodded, and I grabbed Gaston's hand to guide him away. After a moment, he found his voice again. "What the in the name of the lord was that?! She looked like she could crush a melon in half with her biceps!" I laughed again. "Well, you see Gaston, nowadays, women have a lot more freedom to do what they want, and Angel has decided to become super strong." He nodded, taking this information as he got back in the car.

Our next stop was the grocery store. It was much easier to get what I needed with Gaston around, he insisted he carried everything. We reached the register Scott was at, and he reached over to grab my hands and placed a kiss on each of my cheeks. "Buon giorno mio caro! come va?" I squeezed his hand and placed my forehead against his. "I'm doing well Scott, how are you? How was your date last night?" Scott's smile widened.

"Oh mio cuore! He was amazing! So romantic, and such a gentle man! We are going out again this weekend!" I smiled as he began to scan our groceries. "I'm happy for you Scott."  He smiled at me, then his eyes drifted to Gaston. "Thank you, mon ami, but mon Dieu, do you know that bête d'homme behind you?" I nodded. "Scott, meet Gaston! I accidentally brought him back from the past this morning." 

Scott eyes widened. "Oh ma parole, you did it mon amour? The time machine works?" I nodded my head. "Yep, it does! I just have to wait for it to charge up so I can get him home tomorrow." Scott nodded and finished basing the groceries. "Well, I hope you have a good day mon chéri! And you as well Monsieur Gaston!" Gaston nodded, grabbing most of the groceries.

After we were back in the car, Gaston asked, "Did he just say he was dating a man?" I nodded my head. "It's much more accepted now for a man to be with another man, or for a woman to be with another woman. You can also be any gender you want. I myself am nonbinary." Gaston looked at me confused. "Nonbinary means I don't have a preferred gender and go by they/them pronouns, but you can call me what ever pronouns make you feel most comfortable." Gaston sighed. "I can refer to you as they/them. So much has changed since my time." I nodded, a smile tugging my lips. "Do you think it's for better or worse though?"

Gaston sighed, and then started silent for another moment. "I've never seen people be so open about themselves, it feels weird." The ride home was filled with awkward silence. We got in the house, then started to put away the groceries. Gaston ran his hand through his hair again and it came undone. I heard him curse under his breath. "(Y/n), could you tie my hair up?" I nodded my head and sat down on a couch, motioning for him to sit in front of me.

Once he was in front of me, I began to run my fingers through his hair, and he relaxed under my touch. I gathered his hair up, wondering how his hair could be so dark. I pulled a hair tie off my wrist and quickly tied it into a neat pony tail.

Gaston stayed there for another minute, then started to speak. "You know, (y/n), everything is different here, and it's caught me off guard, but I think it's opened my eyes a little." I nodded, smiling again. "That's good Gaston. I hope you carry this knowledge back into the past with you." He nodded, and then a loud, long beep rang through the house.

"Well, it looks like the time machine charger faster than I thought it would." Gaston looked back at me. "So it's time for me to go home?" I nodded, getting up from the couch. "Can't disrupt the time line to much." Gaston nodded and followed me down to the basement where the time machine was.

I opened the door to guide Gaston out, glad to breath on the fresh air. Gaston grabbed my hands. "Thank you for this experience (y/n)." He leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on my lips, and then he was gone. I smiled and went home.

I went to my library, pulling out a thick volume of French history, seeing if I could find anything on Gaston. It didn't take too long, as an entire entire page was dedicated to him and another, smaller man. I started to read the next page. "Gaston LeGume. Ahead of his time, feminist, advocated for rights on sexuality and gender identity." A smile found its way in my face, glad I was able to change the course of someone's life.

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