Chapter 51

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"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy look!" I ran out into the hall and down the stairs.

He was on the couch with Amelia, he looked over at me quickly sitting up as did Amelia. He placed a pillow on his lap leaning back.

I furrowed my eyebrows brushing it off. "Look! My tooth came out!" I smiled showing him the spot where it fell out.

"Ay! How much you want for it?" He took his wallet out. "How much you talking?" I raised my eyebrow.

He smirked looking at Amelia then back at me. He slipped me a $20. "How's that?" He winked and I smiled.

"Thanks, Mr.Tooth Fairy." I grabbed the money and he laughed "Alright you go on up to bed it's late." He pulled me over to him kissing my head.

I frowned "You have to tuck me in." I looked up at him and he gave me a look "I will tomorrow I promise." He told me.

I pouted nodding since he's been back with Amelia he never has time for me anymore. He's always with her I never see him anymore.

"Night, Madison." Amelia smiled waving at her, I gave her a fake smile running upstairs. It's all her fault...she's taking daddy away from me.

He doesn't love me anymore.

I laid on my bed tears falling out my eyes. Max crawled up next to me laying his head on my back.

"Hey, Maddy do you..." Stefan walked into my room, I stopped crying wiping my tears away quickly.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He rushed over and I turned over on my back "I'm not. There was something in my eye." I lied wiping my eye.

He tilted his head raising his eyebrows "Yeah and it caused your face to turned red and tear stains on your cheeks." He sat in my bed.

"What's wrong?" He asked me, I sighed sitting up.

"Amelia." I said he looked confused, everyone knows now that Amelia and my dad are back together.

Rebekah figured it out and told Kol, who told me and I told him I knew so he told Klaus, who asked Stefan, who told Caroline, who told Bonnie, who told Elena, who confronted my dad, who confirmed, and boom! The entire Mystic Falls knows now.

"I thought you were happy they were together?" He asked confused and I shook my head looking down.

"I only say that, because Daddy's happy with her. But I don't like her...not anymore." I looked down.

"Why not?" He asked before I could answer Dad yelled up. "Stefan keep an eye on Mads Amelia and I are going out!" He yelled and we heard the door close.

He turned to look at me realization all over his face. "You want him back for yourself huh?" He smiled a bit.

"He's always gone with her. He doesn't wake me up in the morning for school or pick me up. He doesn't tuck me in at night, he doesn't take me to the park, he doesn't take me shopping anymore." I said missing him.

"I miss him. I never get to see him because he's always with her and it's not fair." I said tears clouding my vision again.

Stefan wiped away a tear that fell "Hey, he'll always be your dad and when you need him he'll come running home. But Madison you should tell them how you feel." He told me.

I sniffled "It's all her fault. Why can't she go back to being stuck in the tomb!?" I turned away from him laying on my pillow.

"Mads." He started "Just leave me alone Uncle Stefan. I want to go to sleep." I mumbled. He squeezed my shoulder and kissed my head.

"Good night, kid." He said and I shut my eyes letting more tears fall.

My window opened and Nick came in. "What are you doing here?" I whispered. "I heard you crying." He said taking off his jacket.

"How?" I asked confused and he shrugged "I don't know." He got into my bed I turned leaning into him a bit drifting off to sleep.
I'm at Uncle Nik's for the week. Dad and Amelia went to Paris for some renewed honeymoon thing.

Stefan is at home with Ric he's going crazy so he's locked in the cellar. They didn't want me in the house in case something happened.

So Uncle Nik is babysitting.

"I'm bored...Oh I know let's call Kol!" I said to Nick we were at Uncle Klaus's house.

"Speaking of, Kol. How would you two like to spend a weekend with him?" Uncle Nik took my phone.

We both smiled...then I remembered where he is and frowned "But he's in L.A." I groaned and Uncle Nik smirked.

"Actually, darling I'm right here." I heard his voice Nick and I smiled rushing up to him "Kol!" We squealed.

"Who wants to go to the place with the little talking mouse and princesses?" He asked up brightly.

Nick and I looked at each other "You mean Disneyland?" We asked and he pointed "That's what I said." He shrugged.

"What about our parents?" Nick asked and I nodded "Taken care of with a little compulsion." Klaus said.

"Mayor Lockwood drinks vervain." I said and he smirked "Not anymore." He threw a small bottle up catching it in his hand.

"And my Dad?" I asked "Where is he right now? Paris with my sister what he doesn't know won't hurt he said I'm in charge." Klaus shrugged.

Nick and I looked at each other and shrugged. Oh well, who cares if we get caught. He's never around anyway.

"Fine, we'll go." We agreed "Great we leave what's to do around here?" Kol moved towards the couch.

Uncle Nik had to go something about finding Finn and a spell.

Nick and I looked at each other with smiles. Now that Uncle Kol was here we were gonna have so much fun.

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