Chapter 15

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*i'm too lazy to rewrite the whole episode so I'm starting from where they open the tomb*

3rd POV (Last night)
Stefan just took Elena home after giving Damon the grimoir to open the tomb. Elena was still confused about Stefan wanting Katherine out the tomb, or who she thought was in the tomb.

Now Stefan's saying Amelia and she has no idea who that is. "Stefan? Who's Amelia?" Elena asked holding her head, which was pounding.

Stefan gulped remembering the times he had with his sister. He chuckled and looked down. "Before Katherine, there was another woman... Amelia. She was the most beautiful girl you'd ever meet. Had the most contagious laugh, beautiful bright blue eyes." Stefan smiled

"Did Katherine kill her or turn her?" Elena asked wondering what happened to her. Stefan shook his head.

"Amelia was already vampire. Damon, he fell in love with her. They even got married, but then Katherine came and.." he trailed off.

"She destroyed their relationship, but if Katherine took Damon away from the love of his life why is he so hellbent on getting her out of the tomb?" Elena asked

"When the vampires were rounded-up, Damon told me they killed Amelia. He doesn't want Katherine out the tomb...he wants." Elena cut him off.

"He wants, Amelia." She came to realization "Damon made me believe she was dead and made it seem like his reason for hating me was because of Katherine, but it was about Mia." Stefan said sadness clear in his voice.

"Stefan it wasn't your fault." Elena stood up to console her boyfriend. She placed her hands on both his cheeks.

"But it was." Stefan

Elena got kidnapped last night, but Stefan saved her like he always does.

I'm mad at Elena and Stefan because of last night and because they tried taking Dammy's chance to have Amelia away.

Bonnie and grams are gonna do the spell to open the tomb, that's where we are now about to open the tomb.

They lit up some torches "Air, Earth, fire." Grams said "water." Bonnie said pouring water from a bottle out.

"That's it just water from the tap?" Elena asked "As opposed to what?" "I just thought that maybe it'd have to be mystical or blessed or something."

Damon took a blood bag out "what's that?" Stef asked "It's for Mel gotta have something to get her going unless your girls offering a vein to tap." Damon said

Damon whispered something to Stefan smirking. Bonnie and grams grabbed hands and started talking in a weird language.

"I think it's Latin." Stef said "I don't think so." Elena said. The fire grew bigger and Damon stood in front of me blocking me from the fire.

"It worked." Bon said once they stopped "don't you have some fires to build." Dames said to Stefan.

Damon picked me up, Stefan said something to Elena but I couldn't hear. "You ready?" Dames asked Elena

"What?" "You think I'm going in there by myself so you can spell me in?" He grabbed herDint take them in I'll bring the walls down." Grams said I grabbed Damon's jacket.

"You bring the walls down if I don't you think I trust you." "As much as I trust you." "enough Both of you look he needs leverage, He needs to know that you're not going to shut the door once he's inside. I get it I'll go." Elena said.

We went inside, it was dark and scary. We could also hear voices, I cling to Damon my arms locked around his neck.

"What is that?" Elena asked scared too "they can sense you, now where is she?" Damon said and we took off leaving Elena.

"Do you see her?" I whispered "Not yet, munchkin." He said and we continued walking around inside the tomb.

"No! No! Where is she!" Damon said his voice loud he put me down and looked around. He put the touch down and started kicking the wall.

"She's not here! Ugh! She's not here!" He said "Damon, what?" Stefan asked and Damon took out the blood back and three it at the wall.

"She's not here!" He yelled I flinched a little "Damon we need to get out of here." Stef said "It doesn't make sense they locked her inside." Damon said turning away.

"If we don't leave now we're never getting out." Stefan raised his voice "How could she not be in here?" Damon said I know he's sad now.

"I love, Amelia I do. But it's not worth spending all of eternity down here!" Stefan yelled grabbing him but Damon shrugged him off.

"No!" He yelled "Damon! Please!" Elena ran down. Damon fixed his jacket, he grabbed me and we left.

When we got back above ground, Dammy looked really, really sad. Elena went up to him and hugged him, but he didn't hug back. When we got ready to leave, Damon wanted me to leave with him.
We went back to the Motel where Anna was staying and waited for her.

When they walked in they froze "You knew, Amelia wasn't in there." Dames said "You wouldn't have helped me." Anna said and Damon sped to the woman who came out of the tomb.

He chocked her, and Anna yelled "No!" She yelled "Why do you get a happy ending?" He asked.

"Damon, please! Please! You wouldn't have helped me! You wouldn't." She fought trying to get to the woman.

"Why do you get it and I don't?!" He repeated again "The guard, the one at the church the one that locked us in...Katherine promised to turn him he was obsessed with her. She had him under her spell like everybody else he let her go! Katherine knew Amelia would kill her, so she let Amelia out too if she promised to let her go!" The woman said and dames let her go.

"Last I saw her was New York 1976. Katherine Chicago 1983. Katherine knew were you were and she didn't care, but Amelia had no idea you're alive....last she saw you, you were dead. Sorry." Anna said and hugged the woman.

Damon grabbed me and we left he sped us to his house. When we got there he sat on the couch in front of the fire...not saying anything.

"I'm sorry, Dammy." I said and sat on his lap, cuddling into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me slowly and kissed my head.

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