Chapter 5

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MADISON POV"Maddy come on Stefan's here!" Elena yelled were leaving for the founders party

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"Maddy come on Stefan's here!" Elena yelled were leaving for the founders party.

I ran down the stairs almost tripping but Stefan caught me, "you ok?" Stefan asked "yeah, thank you." I smiled.

Elena laughed "come on." She said smiling and holding Stefan's hand.
"Hi, Mayor lockwood." Lena said "hi guys come on in, Nick is in his room getting ready," he said we walked in.

I sent him a smile and left Elena and Stefan to find my best friend. "Hey." I walked in he was fixing his tie.

"Ugh! I hate these party's." He complained I sat on the edge of the bed. "Me too." I said "ufo bye we could stay up here and eat ice cream." He said and we both looked at each other.

We started laughing "my mom would drag us down there." He laughed "I know that's why we should go, like now." I said we both continued laughing.

We got downstairs, a lot of people came up to us calling us cute and pinching our cheeks. I hate that.

Mayor Lockwood called Noah away so I went to my sister, who was with Stefan looking at a thing on the wall with a lot of names.

"What's that?" I asked they looked down at me "it's from the first founders party, ever." Lena said "wow...who's in it?" I asked moving closer.

"Sheriff William Forbes, Mayor Benjamin Lockwood, is that Damon Salvatore." Elena asked I looked at it.

It said Damon Salvatore, Stefan Salvatore, and Isabella Salvatore...who's that?

"And Stefan Salvatore?" Lena asked "The original Salvatore brothers, our Ancestors tragic story actually." Damon said I saw care and waved.

"We don't need to bore them with stories of the past." Stefan said and I wanted to know who Isabella was?

"Who's Isabella?" I asked they all looked at me "what?" Elena asked and I pointed to the names.

"Isabella you guys have a sister?" Elena asked damon and Stefan looked confused.

"No.."Stefan said weirdly "then who's that?" I asked curious "I don't know actually." Stefan said I tilted my head.

Who is that? "I want to dance and damon won't dance with me." Caroline said "mm-mmm." He said.

I saw Nick and he waved me over, I walked away from them and back to him.

"Do you happen to know who Isabella Salvatore is?" I asked he shook his head "no why?" He asked I shrugged "just asking." I said.

Nick and I danced for a while I decided to try and find Jenna I was tired.

I was outside looking, I took a seat on the bench "what's wrong?" I heard and saw a rabbit sitting next to me and smiled.

"Nothing, I'm just sleepy." I said "come on we can take you home." He said "I don't even know your names." I said

"I'm Jack." He said "and I'm thumper." Another one said I giggled "like on Bambi?" I asked "what's Bambi?" He asked I laughed.

"I'm Jill." Another one said and birds flew out "I'm lyric." "I'm molly." "I'm spinn." I smiled at them all.

"You can all help me get home?" I asked they nodded "what if someone sees you?" I asked "we'll be fine." Thumper laughed.

"Ok." I said and they led me to my house "thank you." I said "if you need us just call." Spinn said I giggled.

"Ok, bye." I waved smiling I walked in "where have you been?" Jenna asked and hugged me. "The animals walked me home." I smiled.

"Madison! We have been worried sick about you, I was about to call the police." She said and my face fell.

"Sorry, I was looking for you I was tired and wanted to go home, but then the animals said they could help me get home." I said

"Really the animals." She said I nodded "your imagination...don't leave without anyone ok." Jenna said.

"But I wasn't alone." I said "don't leave with animals." She said "but they're my friends." I said "Madison animals can't talk." She said

I nodded "yes they can." I argued "no they can't." She said "uh-huh." I said "fine, go get ready for bed." She kissed my head.

I ran to my room and took a shower, I got into bed and Jenna read me a book. "Night mads." She closes my door.

I fell asleep once again dreaming about being with people I've never met before.

"Mommy?" I asked as she brushed my hair "yes, princess." "When's daddy gonna get back?" I asked "I don't know sweetie, but I promise you he'll be back soon." She put the brushed down and kissed my head. "But what if he isn't?" I asked she helped me into bed "he will be, he wouldn't have left his little princess if he wasn't." She tucked me in "why'd he leave?" I asked "Grandpa isn't the nicest person to daddy, so he thought if he went to fight with all the other men grandpa would be happy." She said "will he be?" I asked "I don't know..." "All right, sleep tight." She kissed my forehead "good night, mommy." I said she smiled "goodnight, Isabella." She said and left my room.

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