Chapter 31

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MADISON POV Rose's bite didn't heal, it only got worse

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Rose's bite didn't heal, it only got worse. Elena is watching over her.

I'm at home, Damon wants me away from her, oh Nick is with me. Ty called, he's a little busy at the moment.

Anyways, Damon wants to talk about me moving in with him and Stefan permanently, he thinks it'll be safer.

"Jenna?" I called as she sat me and Nick down a cup of hot cocoa. "What If I moved in the Salvatore house?" I asked sipping my drink.

She stopped and looked at me "Why would you do that? I mean I know you and Damon have gotten close lately." She said

"But you grew up here, are you ready for that?" She asked. I looked around at pictures around the house.

I looked down "I think so, I mean Damon has taken good care of me the past few months." I told her.

"I know, he's basically your dad." She said and grabbed and apple sighing "It would make things easier, I would probably get to work on time." She said

Nick and I laughed "If Damon is ok with this, and this is what you want, then yeah you can." She said.

I smiled and hugged her "Thank you, Jenna." I said "No problem, kid. But you better call at least a few times a week." She pointed.

"I promise." I told her "I guess this means we gotta start packing." She groaned "No, I have everything there that I really need." I said.

I went shopping with Jeremy the other day, surprisingly he wanted to take me.

Nick and I sat on the couch with Max, watching Supernatural. "No!" We yelled, the hell hound had got Dean.

"He better not go!" I yelled, we saw Ruby smirking "Stupid bitch." Nick and I groaned "You two are bad." Jeremy fell onto the couch in the middle of us.

"No we're not, it's true Ruby is a b." I said and he laughed at us "Don't let, Jenna hear you say that." He said

"So you're moving out?" He asked me, sadness in his voice "Yeah, but I'll still be around." I told him.

"I know, maybe I'll miss my little sister." He smirked and I punched his arm "Well now I won't miss you at all." I joked.

I looked down, Max was whining "Can you take us to walk, Max...he has to pee." I asks Jeremy "Sure." He got up going to put his shoes on.
"Maddie! Phone!" Jenna brought me the phone, I grabbed it looking at the caller ID.

"Nick!" I called and he perked up coming over.

"Hey, Daddy." "Hey, kiddo." "Where's Rose?" "She's home and not good." "What happened?" "Um....listen you and Nick are gonna stay there tonight, I'll come by in the morning." "Dames." "I'll come get you, ok." "Ok." "I love you, kid." "Love you too." He hung up.

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