[ 05 ] stars and swing sets

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I wasn't sure if it was just Mayu and I going out for dinner. She wasn't very specific with the details, and I can't help but have a small part of me hope that the boys would come too. I briefly wondered if asking Chan if he was coming would be acting a bit desperate, so I decide to hold back from texting him for now.

Mayu had told me that we're going out for Korean BBQ at a place nearby, so I grab a nice black dress and pull on a cardigan. Kevin gives me a once-over when I walk past him where he's studying on the couch, and his eyes narrow in suspicion.

"And where are you going now?"


"On a date?" He asks skeptically, taking note of the black heels I'm slipping on.

"Something like that," I answer cheekily, adjusting the bandana on my head. I had decided to leave my hair down for now and use the ribbon I usually use to hold my hair up like a bandana.

"Yikes. That poor guy," Kevin comments with a dramatic shake of his head. He sticks his tongue out at me when I shoot him an unimpressed look.

"I'll be back by midnight. Tell mum to eat, okay?"

"Yes, sir."

With one last wave, I step out of our apartment and head down the stairs. I instantly shiver as I leave the building, pulling the cardigan close and folding my arms. The restaurant doesn't seem that far, so walking should be easy.

Unlike in Tokyo, I'm familiar with the streets here, so I shouldn't have a problem walking in my neighborhood at six pm at night. Besides, it's only around the corner.

After a few minutes of walking and listening to the click of my heels, I round the corner and notice a few people standing outside of the restaurant. I instantly recognise Mayu, who seems to notice me at the same time I have, and she brightens considerably and waves in my direction.

I return the wave before my eyes flit over to the people who she's standing with. I don't notice who they are until I'm about a few steps away from them, taking note of Changbin, Felix, Seungmin, and Chan all giving me big grins.

My heart soars. I wasn't expecting them to actually show up, but it is really nice to see them all here. I chance a glance toward Chan to see his same boyish dimpled smile.

But I manage to arch a brow at Mayu, smirking slightly as I come to a stop in front of all of them.

"Well, I certainly wasn't expecting this," I say teasingly, giving all of them a look.

"I may or may not have mentioned our date and they wanted to come and crash it," Mayu tells me dramatically, stepping over to stand next to me and link our arms.

The boys' grins turn cheeky, and I smile behind my hand.

I notice Felix eye me for a moment before his gaze flies over to where I had come from. He gives me a calculated look. "Did you walk here?"

"Yeah, my apartment is only a few blocks away."

Felix frowns a bit, obviously unimpressed. Considering what had happened last time, I don't blame him for being concerned, but I've been walking these streets for years.

If Felix looked concerned, Chan looks agitated.

It takes me by surprise.

"You still shouldn't be walking at night. You should know this by now," Chan tells me, his tone harsher than I expected it to be.

I can't help but frown. "So, I'm going to pay for a one-minute taxi ride? No thanks."

I can see the way Chan's jaw tightens as his eyes flit across my face, drinking in the sight of me and the hard look in my eyes. He takes a moment, the air feeling tense, before all at once, Chan sighs, the fight leaving his body in an instant. "I just worry about you," he tells me, his voice lowered.

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